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Intermediate 2024-05-05    
Adam Rutherford's Creation Science, Part Three


Adam Rutherford: So, what we do is we observe what life does now and we look at the things that are absolutely common amongst all life forms and we postulate that those things are basal. Tho...

Video 2024-05-05    
The Reason Why Cancer is so Hard to Beat


An undead city under siege, soldiers and police ruthlessly shooting down waves of zombies that flood from infected streets, trying to escape and infect more cities. This is what happens when ...

Pre-Intermediate 2024-05-04    
The Newbery Award for the Best Book - Jacob Have I Loved, Part 2


The war in Europe ended in 1945.At the end of crab season Call came home from the war.The body of a large man in uniform was filling the door."Call," I cried, "O my blessed Call, you have grown up!" "...

British English 2024-05-04    
Are Greedy Corporations Causing Inflation, Part 2


Economists refer to this as the “capital” or “labour” share of GDP. When one group wins, by definition the other must lose. We have estimated the labour share across the OECD, a group of mostly ...

Intermediate 2024-05-03    
Adam Rutherford's Creation Science, Part Two


Adam Rutherford: I think I was waiting for the right idea to emerge for me to write a book about it. It struck me that in the 10 years between leaving the lab and when I started writing the b...

Video 2024-05-03    
Ancient Life as Old as the Universe


The 12,024 Calendar is here! Get it now before it sells out. And stay tuned until the end of this video for a sneak peek that’s out of this world. Life has existed on one planet for about 4 ...

British English 2024-05-02    
Are Greedy Corporations Causing Inflation, Part 1


Finance and economics. Capital versus labour. Are greedy corporations causing inflation? In the three years before Covid-19, rich-world consumer prices rose by a total of 6%. In the three years ...

Pre-Intermediate 2024-05-02    
The Newbery Award for the Best Book - Jacob Have I Loved, Part 1


Rass Island lies as low as the back of a turtle on the dark green water of the Chesapeake Bay.We Bradshaws have lived here for more than two hundred years.I love Rass Island although for much of my li...

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