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2024-06-29   Pre-Intermediate
A Stolen Generation, Part Two


The ‘stolen generations’. This tragic part of the history of the Australian indigenous people involved pain and suffering. It began in the late eighteen hundreds. It ended in the late nineteen sixties...

2024-06-27   Pre-Intermediate
A Stolen Generation, Part One


The sun sets over the desert of central Australia. This is the best time to see one of the natural wonders of the world – Uluru. This huge rock formation stands nearly three hundred and fifty metres a...

2024-06-13   Pre-Intermediate
Stories about Mental Health Issues, Part Two


Carers have a fight every day. The have to fight to see the person instead of the sickness. Society often sees the sickness not the person. Yet how can we blame other people? We do it in our own homes...

2024-06-11   Pre-Intermediate
Stories about Mental Health Issues, Part One


‘Welcome to my mind. My name is John Cadigan. I am an artist with schizophrenia. The world inside my head has no order. It is filled with insecure thoughts, creativity, fear and desire. It is a world ...

2024-06-01   Pre-Intermediate
Ivorian Asked the Country to Work for Peace, Part Two


Another teacher has already seen the bad effects. “The war has really lowered educational standards. Ivory Coast will suffer from this for years to come.” Still, for five years, many people have...

2024-05-24   Pre-Intermediate
Hot Sun Films Follows the Kenyan Tradition of Jua Kali, Part 2


They know that there is more to Kibera than just violence and suffering. They know because they live there themselves. They know that hope also lives in Kibera. And they want to share their stories of...

2024-05-22   Pre-Intermediate
Hot Sun Films Follows the Kenyan Tradition of Jua Kali, Part 1


Many people have seen a Hollywood film. And many people have seen a Bollywood or a Nollywood film. The popular film industries of Hollywood, Bollywood, and Nollywood are very well known around t...

2024-05-08   Pre-Intermediate
Doctors Without Borders, or MSF, Part Two


We travel for another half an hour until we reach Daunt Chaung. This town is ruined... A man stops us. “Ten members of my family died,” he tells us. “My wife, my parents and one of my brothers survive...

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