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2024-12-20   Pre-Intermediate
Professors’ Group Speaks Out about Changes at Florida College


College professors and their students often say they should be permitted to pursue knowledge without too many restrictions from the government. One organization that supports the idea of academic fre...

大学教授和他们的学生经常说,他们应该被允许追求知识,而不受政府的太多限制。 支持学术自由理念的一个组织是美国大学教授协会 (AAUP)。AAUP 是一个总部位于华盛顿特区的非营利组织,旨在支持学术自由和终身教职。该组织担心国家和州的政治领...

2024-12-18   Pre-Intermediate
How International Students Should Think about Writing, AI


A guide for international students who need to learn more about plagiarism and why it is a serious concern. A plagiarism accusation recently led to Harvard University’s president having to step down f...

为需要更多地了解抄袭以及为什么它是一个严重问题的国际学生提供的指南。最近,一项剽窃指控导致哈佛大学校长不得不辞职。 Smitobol 说,国际学生难以引用的原因是,海外的老师和教授更关心学生是否能回答问题,而不是显示信息来源。 Amja...

2024-12-14   British English
How to Write the Perfect CV, Part Two


If you spent three weeks in the summer when you were 17 keeping the books in your uncle's hardware store, no one needs to know that if you are now over the age of 25. The older you get, the more yo...

如果你在17岁那年夏天花了三周时间在你叔叔的五金店里记账,那么如果你现在超过25岁,就没有人需要知道这件事了。年纪越大,你就越应该把工作经历放在教育经历之前。 每次申请时都要对简历进行相应的调整,进行微调以使自己与岗位更相关,并突出不...

2024-12-12   British English
How to Write the Perfect CV, Part One


How to write the perfect CV. Imagine meeting a stranger at a party. What makes for a successful encounter? Lesson one is to heed the wisdom of a shampoo commercial from the 1980s: you never g...

怎样写出完美简历 想象一下在派对上遇到一个陌生人。什么可以带来一场成功的邂逅?一条经验就是要听从20世纪80年代一则洗发水广告的智慧:你永远不会有第二次机会去给人留下第一印象。第二条经验是要记住,你不需要戴上贝雷帽或皮草披肩才能脱...

2024-11-30   Pre-Intermediate
'Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen,' by O. Henry, Part 2


His legs did not seem as strong as they had seemed the year before. As this kind Old Gentleman came toward him, Stuffy began to shake and his breath was shorter. He wished he could fly away. But he c...

他的双腿似乎不像前一年看起来那么强壮了。 当这位善良的老绅士向他走来时,Stuffy 开始颤抖,呼吸急促。他希望自己能飞走。但他无法从座位上站起来。 “早上好,”老绅士说。“我很高兴看到又一年的烦恼没有伤害到你。您继续健康地在美丽的世界...

2024-11-28   Pre-Intermediate
'Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen,' by O. Henry, Part 1


"Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen". There is one day that is ours. There is one day when all Americans go back to the old home and eat a big dinner. Bless the day. The President gives it to us every ye...

“两位感恩节绅士”。 有一天是我们的。总有一天,所有美国人都会回到老家吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。祝福这一天。总统每年都会给我们。 有时他会谈论那些度过第一个感恩节的人。他们是清教徒。他们是一些登陆我们大西洋沿岸的人。我们对他们的记忆并不多。 ...

2024-11-20   Pre-Intermediate
Handwriting Returns in California Schools


Starting this year, six- to twelve-year-olds in California will be required to learn cursive handwriting. The return to handwriting comes after many years in which typing on computer keyboards was ta...

从今年开始,加州 6 至 12 岁的孩子将被要求学习草书。 在多年教授在计算机键盘上打字而将手写放在一边之后,人们又回到了手写。 草书是一种笔迹,其中单词中的所有字母都相互连接。 第 446 号议会法案要求向 260 万名加州一至六年...

2024-11-06   Pre-Intermediate
What International Students Should Know about SAT and ACT


Several top U.S. universities say they will require standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT from applicants again. Some of them went “test-optional” during the pandemic. The schools include Dartmo...

几所美国顶尖大学表示,他们将再次要求申请者参加标准化考试,例如 SAT 和 ACT。其中一些在大流行期间变成了“可选测试”。 这些学校包括达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)、乔治城大学(Georgetown Univers...

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