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2024-09-03   Pre-Intermediate
Locals Worried about Olympic Surfing Event in Tahiti


The Summer Olympic Games this year are in Paris, France. Paris does not have an ocean. So, how do organizers plan to present competition in the sport of surfing? They are taking that Olympic event h...

2024-09-03   British English
The Rebuilding of Notre Dame, Part Two


For the roof above the medieval nave and choir, 1,200 oak logs were individually selected from forestry plantations in France and hewn by hand into square timber beams. Craftsmen used hand-forged a...

对于中世纪正厅和唱经楼上方的屋顶,1200根橡木原木从法国的林业种植园中单独挑选出来,并手工切割成方形木梁。工匠们使用手工锻造的斧头,斧头以12世纪末和13世纪初的模型为基础。 在1月12日完工的半圆小室的弧形屋顶上,木榫钉将桁架固定...

2024-09-01   British English
The Rebuilding of Notre Dame, Part One


Culture. After the fire. The comeback of Notre Dame. The rebuilding of France's best-known cathedral has prompted a debate about how to balance modernity and tradition. On an icy January morni...

文化 浴火重生 巴黎圣母院的回归 重修法国最着名的大教堂引发了如何平衡现代和传统的辩论。今年一月的一个寒冷早晨,在距离地面100米的令人目眩的高处,专业修盖屋顶的工人正在往重新修建的巴黎圣母院橡木尖塔上铺上一层层的铅板。 ...

2024-08-15   Video
Why the Ultra-Rich Want Extreme Travel


- [Narrator] Three years ago, luxury travel agent, Roman Chiporukha, couldn't sell his clients on a big opportunity, a chance to visit the International Space Station. - I literally talk...

2024-06-22   Intermediate
How Does the World's Largest Seabird Know Where to Fly


Joseph Polidoro: The wandering albatross thrives in the circumpolar band of ocean north of Antarctica—a windswept region that the world’s best sailors say has the most inhospitable seas on the planet....

2024-06-21   Pre-Intermediate
Bird’s Nest Soup is An Ancient Food, Part Two


When the swiftlet sees his first nest is gone, he will begin to make a new nest. The harvester must wait another thirty days until this second nest is finished. Then he can harvest the second nest. ...

2024-06-19   Pre-Intermediate
Bird’s Nest Soup is An Ancient Food, Part One


Bird’s nest soup is an ancient food. People in China have been eating this soup for over four hundred years! The Chinese call it “yan wo.” “Yan” is the kind of bird that makes the nest. And “wo” means...

2024-06-16   Intermediate
Are Orcas Friends or Foes, Part Two


Weiss: These marine mammals they’re harassing don’t even eat the same thing they do, so it’s not like it’s a competition thing. They’re just kind of being dicks. Leong: In the Salish Sea in Washingto...

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