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2024-06-22   Intermediate
How Does the World's Largest Seabird Know Where to Fly


Joseph Polidoro: The wandering albatross thrives in the circumpolar band of ocean north of Antarctica—a windswept region that the world’s best sailors say has the most inhospitable seas on the planet....

2024-06-21   Pre-Intermediate
Bird’s Nest Soup is An Ancient Food, Part Two


When the swiftlet sees his first nest is gone, he will begin to make a new nest. The harvester must wait another thirty days until this second nest is finished. Then he can harvest the second nest. ...

2024-06-19   Pre-Intermediate
Bird’s Nest Soup is An Ancient Food, Part One


Bird’s nest soup is an ancient food. People in China have been eating this soup for over four hundred years! The Chinese call it “yan wo.” “Yan” is the kind of bird that makes the nest. And “wo” means...

2024-06-16   Intermediate
Are Orcas Friends or Foes, Part Two


Weiss: These marine mammals they’re harassing don’t even eat the same thing they do, so it’s not like it’s a competition thing. They’re just kind of being dicks. Leong: In the Salish Sea in Washingto...

2024-06-14   Intermediate
Are Orcas Friends or Foes, Part One


Leong: The game is simple: while our scientists won’t be taking sides, they’ll help us untangle the orcas’ behavioral track record to evaluate the true nature of these creatures and how we relate to t...

2024-05-31   Intermediate
What Better Gift for the Holidays Than a Monstrous Mystery


Lichtman: I’m going to introduce you to them. We’re hunting for the most extreme birds to ever live. Welcome to part one of a four-part Fascination on the real big birds. I want you to meet one of ou...

2024-05-31   Video
What Would Happen If We Never Started Hunting Whales


Back in 1846, whaling was one of the most booming industries in the whole world. It was the fifth largest sector in the United States economy, raking in a cool $10 million. But somewhere along...

2024-05-17   Video
Steve Palumbi and Megan Morikawa Study Coral Reef Damage in American Samoa


SPEAKER: Coral reefs are one of the most spectacular ecosystems found in nature. Hosts to numerous biological communities, they are important havens of biodiversity. And a valua...

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