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2024-04-26   Pre-Intermediate
Can Boxing Help Bring Peace to Afghanistan, Part 2


Another way CPAU has been working for peace is by teaching adults new ways to deal with conflict. CPAU set up Peace Councils in places that had damaged community structures – places where systems of l...

2024-04-24   Pre-Intermediate
Can Boxing Help Bring Peace to Afghanistan, Part 1


Afghanistan has suffered wars for over twenty–five years. Sometimes foreign powers have invaded the country. But often the struggles have been civil wars – different groups of Afghan people have fough...

2024-04-22   Pre-Intermediate
Athénaise - Written by Kate Chopin, Part Two


Two fiery red spots rose to Cazeau's cheeks. What Montéclin said was true. Upon arriving home, Athénaise had announced she was there to stay. It was difficult for her to understand why she had married...

2024-04-20   Pre-Intermediate
Athénaise - Written by Kate Chopin, Part One


Athénaise went away one morning to visit her parents, ten miles back on the Bon Dieu River in Louisiana. She did not return in the evening, and Cazeau, her husband, was worried. Cazeau expressed his w...

2024-04-18   Pre-Intermediate
The International Essay Competition, Wrote about the Topic of Corruption - Ⅱ


In their essays, young people described many ways that corruption and bribes were common. How many of these situations have you experienced in your everyday life? Have you ever paid a teacher to pa...

2024-04-16   Pre-Intermediate
The International Essay Competition, Wrote about the Topic of Corruption - Ⅰ


“Corruption is a universal and never-ending disease, a real cancer of our countries. We have to fight it with prevention and education. Sometimes we are only surrounding the problem, not attacking it....

2024-04-14   Pre-Intermediate
About Going for a Shopping Trip on a Parked Truck


For many years,food vendors in American cities have been selling food from trucks.Hungry people can find more than just hot dogs or pretzels in these vehicles.Many serve high-quality food from other c...

2024-04-12   Pre-Intermediate
Ships of the Desert - Camel Mobile Library, Part 2


And a third camel carries Rashid’s and the team’s supplies. They have nine camels all together. When they are ready to go they separate into three groups. Each group travels with three camels. Togethe...

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