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2024-07-26   Intermediate
Document - The Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Part 1


Staffan Normark: This year’s prize is about taking the chemical experiment to cyberspace. Steve Mirsky: Staffan Normark, Permanent Secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences a...

2024-07-26   Video
What Would Happen If Teleportation Was Possible


Welcome to a world of teleportation! Where you can wake up in a remote corner of the world, teleport to work in Tokyo, and end your day by catching the opera in Rome! This idea of beamin...

2024-07-24   Intermediate
Document - The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Part 3


Juleen Zierath: Rothman took a really bold approach. He studied this process in a test tube. Now that approach was met with some skepticism because people thought that this traffic would be ...

2024-07-24   Video
What If We Built an Artificial Planet


What if, someday, we decided that the usefulness of our planet had run its course, and humans needed to scour space to find somewhere new to live? But, instead of finding a potentially habitable Earth...

2024-07-23   Pre-Intermediate
Sit Less, Live Longer


If you are sitting down listening to this Health Report, stand up. Move your legs. Touch your toes, if you can. Do anything but sit. If you cut down on the time you spend sitting, you might live long...

2024-07-22   Intermediate
Document - The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Part 2


Steve Mirsky: Following the Nobel Prize announcement, Göran K. Hansson, Secretary of the Nobel Assembly, took questions from the audience. Göran K. Hansson: Had they been collaboratin...

2024-07-22   Video
What Would Happen If We Could Build a Replica of the Sun on Earth


Imagine what it would be like to have miniature version of our Sun right here on Earth. Would this artificial star provide us with an infinite supply of clean energy? Would we even need all the coal a...

2024-07-20   Intermediate
Document - The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Part 1


Juleen Zierath: Here are the 2013 Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine. Steve Mirsky: Juleen Zierath heads the section of Integrated Physiology, Department of Molecular Medicine ...

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