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2024-07-25   British English
The IPO Market is on Its Longest Cold Streak Since 1980, Part 2


It still feels as if the economic mood could spin on a dime. This could hurt newly public firms. Shares in Cava, a fast-casual salad seller, doubled in price when it went public in June. Othe...

人们仍然觉得,经济情绪可能会摇摆不定。这可能不利于新上市的公司。快餐休闲沙拉销售商Cava的股价在6月份上市时翻了一番。其他公司于是跃跃欲试,开始考虑自己的选择。 8月,另一家专门向懒得买菜的人出售蔬菜的公司Instacart和英国芯...

2024-07-23   British English
The IPO Market is on Its Longest Cold Streak Since 1980, Part 1


Finance and economics. Buttonwood. The bleak midwinter. The IPO market is on its longest cold streak since 1980. Can you feel the chill? It is bone-deep, now. In 2021 capital markets were sea...

财经 梧桐树 阴冷的仲冬 IPO市场正处于1980年以来持续时间最长的冷淡期。 你能感觉到寒意吗?现在已经寒意刺骨了。2021年,资本市场炙手可热。平均每个工作日都至少有一家新公司上市。但如今的金融区是冰冷的。在长达两年的时...

2024-07-21   British English
The Continent's Economy is in a Bad Way, Part Two


Now surveys suggest that both manufacturing and services are contracting gently. A consumption boom in parts of Europe is already fading: monetary policy itself is weighing on bigger debt-financed ...


2024-07-19   British English
The Continent's Economy is in a Bad Way, Part One


Finance and economics. Recession response. Euro moans. The continent's economy is in a bad way. Policymakers risk being slow to react. European stocks and bonds have had a lot to deal with in re...

财经 应对经济衰退 欧洲的怨言 欧洲的经济状况很糟糕。政策制定者有反应迟缓的危险。 近年来,欧洲的股票和债券需要应对很多问题,尤其是战争、能源危机和飙升的通胀。现在,情况正在好转。自11月初以来,德国DAX股指已经上涨了14%。...

2024-07-17   British English
The Obesity Pay Gap is Worse than Previously Thought


Finance and economics. Economies of scales. The obesity pay gap is worse than previously thought. Obese people experience discrimination in many parts of their lives, and the workplace is no exce...

财经 体重秤经济 肥胖造成的工资差距比之前想象的更为严重 肥胖人士在生活的许多方面都受到歧视,职场也不例外。长期以来的研究表明,肥胖工作者(即身体质量指数为30及以上的人)的收入明显低于身材苗条的同侪。在美国,几个州政府和地方政...

2024-07-15   British English
Israel Uses Economic Weapons as well as Military Ones, Part 2


Another organisation on which Gazans depend is Hamas, whose administrative branch runs the strip’s government. Since it took power, Hamas has expanded the public payroll from roughly 20,000 to 50,0...

加沙人依赖的另一个组织是哈马斯,哈马斯的行政部门管理着加沙地带的政府。自上台以来,哈马斯已经将公共雇员的人数从大约2万人扩大到5万人。去年,哈马斯的支出对GDP增长的贡献率为0.8%,而所有家庭和企业支出的贡献率为0.3%。 由于慈善...

2024-07-13   British English
Israel Uses Economic Weapons as well as Military Ones, Part 1


Finance and economics. War by other means. In its fight against Hamas, Israel uses economic weapons as well as military ones. In less than a fortnight, some 3,500 Gazans have been killed, 12,000 ...

财经 使用另一种手段的战争 在打击哈马斯的战斗中,以色列不仅使用军事武器,还使用经济武器。 在不到两周的时间里,大约3500名加沙人被杀,12000人受伤,100多万人流离失所--美国和联合国正尝试为加沙人民开辟一条进入埃及的通...

2024-07-12   Video
How AI Is Already Reshaping White-Collar Work


- [Narrator] The idea of robots taking human jobs might bring to mind a scene like this. But it's not hardware that has white collar workers concerned. It's rapidly advancing software, ...

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