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2024-09-21   British English
An Economist's Guide to the Luxury-handbag Market, Part 2


To help overcome situations like this, it helps to have independent third parties who are able to adjudicate quality. It is often easier to sell a used car to a mechanic or a dealer, for instance, ...

为了解决这样的情况,有能够评判质量的独立第三方是有帮助的。例如,将一辆二手车卖给机械师或经销商往往更容易,他们之后能向不太懂车的买家提供担保。 许多奢侈品牌在出售手提包时会提供保真卡,这样顾客就可以证明他们购买的包是真的。检查这种和其...

2024-09-20   Video
Why Tokyo's Metro Is Profitable and New York City’s Isn’t


(light music) - [Narrator] Japan's train system ranked by Statista is the most efficient in the world. The U.S. though is far behind. It's tied for 11th best. Roughly 15 million people...

2024-09-19   British English
An Economist's Guide to the Luxury-handbag Market, Part 1


Finance and economics. Free exchange. I love your bag! Thanks, it's a lemon. An economist's guide to the luxury-handbag market. You could spot a fake a mile off. The plasticky "Prado" wallets...

财经 自由交换 我喜欢你的包包! 谢谢,这是个柠檬包。 一位经济学家对奢侈手提包市场的指南。 曾经你在一英里开外就能认出假货。在纽约坚尼街两旁的人行道上,摆放在床单上的塑料“普拉多”钱包与苏豪区普拉达专卖店出售的钱包只...

2024-09-18   Intermediate
How Walmart Is Beating Everyone In Groceries


The first supermarket opened in the US in the early 1900s. Inventions ranging from the shopping cart to the frozen dinner, in addition to the rise of the suburbs, help the format flouri...

2024-09-13   British English
The World Economy, Putting out Fires


Finance and economics. The world economy. Putting out fires. War, high interest rates and financial strife are yet to bring down growth. Central banks have embarked on austere monetary policy ...

财经 世界经济 灭火 战争、高利率和金融冲突尚未拖累经济增长 各国央行已开始实施紧缩的货币政策以抑制通货膨胀。从债券市场到商业地产,再到银行的健康状况,对金融体系的担忧无处不在。今年将有约40亿人前往投票站,投票结果难以预料...

2024-09-11   British English
Tight Housing Market and Stickier Inflation


Finance and economics. America's economy. Spent on rent. The mysterious link between a tight housing market and stickier inflation. During the past few years of inflation, sceptics have insisted...

财经 美国经济 租房开支 供不应求的独栋住宅市场和更为顽固的通胀之间的神秘关联。 在过去几年的通货膨胀里,怀疑论者坚持认为政府少算了物价上涨,但通常没有足够的证据支持他们的说法。但美国经济学中的一个新争议凸显了准确衡量价格的...

2024-09-06   Intermediate
What the Inflation of the 1970s Can Teach Us Today


- Everyone is talking about inflation. - Inflation. - Inflation. - Inflation. - [Narrator] It's the word that's been on everyone's lips lately and some are looking back at history. ...

2024-09-05   British English
Why Sweet Treats are so Expensive


The arrival of war in one of the world's breadbaskets sent the price of foodstuffs soaring-with one exception, sugar. But last year was worse for folk with a sweet tooth. As grain prices fell, s...

世界上最大的粮仓之一爆发了战争,导致各类食品价格飙升,但糖是个例外。但对于喜欢吃甜食的人来说,去年的情况更糟。随着谷物价格下跌,糖价上涨。尽管最近有所回落,但仍居高不下。 许多种非必需农业原料(我们称之为“美食货物”)的价格也在上涨。...

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