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2024-07-27   British English
The Longest Strike in the History of the NHS, Part One


On January 9th junior doctors in England concluded six days of industrial action, the longest strike in the history of the National Health Service (NHS). The walkout, called as part of a dispute ov...

1月9日,英国初级医生结束了为期六天的罢工,这是历史上英国国家医疗服务体系(英国医保)持续时间最长的罢工。这次罢工是工资纠纷的一部分,将给急诊科带来更大的压力,并带来数十万的医院预约取消。 由于人员短缺、新冠疫情和其他工业行动造成的延...

2024-06-24   Intermediate
How the World’s Longest Suspension Bridge Will Be Built


- [Narrator] For decades, Italian engineers have been working on designs for a massive project, one that could help solve one of Southern Italy's biggest problems by connecting 5 milli...

2024-06-17   Pre-Intermediate
When Collecting Things Becomes a Problem, Part 2


However, it is not that simple.Randy Frost is a psychologist at Smith College in the American state of Massachusetts.He has studied hoarding.Professor Frost saysit is more than a mental disorder.He sa...

2024-06-15   Pre-Intermediate
When Collecting Things Becomes a Problem, Part 1


(MUSIC)Many people in the United States are looking forward to the return of spring.During this season,millions of Americans do what is known as Spring Cleaning.They open windows in their homes to let...

2024-06-09   British English
Judge Shortages Caused Trial Delays, Part Two


Even without the pandemic, a generational flip was under way. That has led to calls to raise the retirement age from 70 to 75, to relieve the pressure. But Mr. McGoughran says more than 50% of t...


2024-06-07   British English
Judge Shortages Caused Trial Delays, Part One


“Children are suffering,” says Toni Belford Damiano, president-elect of the Passaic County Bar Association. Judge shortages in New Jersey have caused trial delays, adding to a pandemic-related back...


2024-06-05   Pre-Intermediate
It is Difficult to Stop Forest Fires, Part Two


But lightning does not cause all forest fires. Some experts estimate that people start more than sixty percent of forest fires! Some people start fires because they are angry. Others start fires to...

2024-06-03   Pre-Intermediate
It is Difficult to Stop Forest Fires, Part One


It seems that fire has always been a part of human life. It helps us cook our food. It helps us stay warm. Without fire, many people could not live. Fire brings us many good things. But fire can al...

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