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2025-02-19   Video
What If Earth Was Shaped Like an American Football


Imagine an enormous football stranded in the Solar System. I mean, the Earth shaped like one. What could cause our planet to change its shape so drastically? What would it mean for all the life ...

2025-02-17   Video
What If the Moon Never Formed


The moon has been our friendly neighbour in the sky for billions of years. It has guided us home, kept us on time, protected us, propelled us into space and has even launched dance crazes! It’s ...

数十亿年来,月球一直是我们在天空中的友好邻居。 它引导我们回家,让我们准时,保护我们,将我们推向太空,甚至掀起了舞蹈热潮! 很难想象如果没有它我们会做什么。 但为了科学起见,让我们试着设想一个没有月亮的世界。 地球会...

2025-02-15   Video
What If a Magnetar Collided With a Black Hole


In the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way, there is a supermassive black hole feeding on nearby stars. It's called Sagittarius A*. And if a giant gravitational monster slowly eating the galaxy ...

在我们银河系的中心,银河系,有一个超大质量黑洞以附近的恒星为食。 它被称为射手座 A*。 如果说一个巨大的引力怪物慢慢吞噬银河系还不够可怕,那么它周围还潜伏着另一个宇宙怪物。 有没有可能有一天他们靠得太近了,然后倒在对方身...

2025-02-13   Video
What If We Set Aside Half the Planet for Wildlife


About 65 million years ago, a mass extinction event occurred, wiping out more than 75% of all species on Earth. There have only been 5 mass extinctions in our planet's 4.5 billion year history. ...

大约 6500 万年前,发生了一次大规模灭绝事件,消灭了地球上超过 75% 的物种。 在地球 45 亿年的历史中,只发生过 5 次大规模灭绝。 但下一个已经开始。 到本世纪末,地球上六分之一的物种可能会消失。 人类会...

2025-02-11   Video
What If Two Black Holes Collided


Black holes are the gravitational monsters of the Universe. They are so powerful that nothing, not even light, can escape their grasp. One black hole is bad enough, but...if you took two black h...

黑洞是宇宙中的引力怪物。 他们是如此强大,以至于没有任何东西,即使是光,都无法逃脱他们的掌握。 一个黑洞已经够糟糕了,但是......如果你拿两个黑洞互相撞击,它们就能改变空间本身的形状。 那次爆炸会有多史诗般的?它会以某...

2025-02-09   Video
What If You Had to Be Santa Claus


He travels the world in a single day, and can see everything that's going on, all at once. He has super-strength, and can even shapeshift. We're not talking about a superhero. Instead, we're ...

他在一天内走遍了世界,可以同时看到正在发生的一切。 他有超强的力量,甚至可以变形。 我们不是在谈论超级英雄。 相反,我们谈论的是圣诞老人。 现在,你就是他! 别担心,在 What If 任何人都可以成为圣诞老人...

2025-02-07   Video
What If We Built a Canal Between U.S. and Mexico


This episode starts with a proposition: how about we rip the United States and Mexico apart from each other? Geographically speaking. It would open up new trade routes that would make a ton of m...

这一集从一个命题开始:我们把美国和墨西哥分开怎么样? 从地理上讲。 它将开辟新的贸易路线,为两国带来大量利润,并可能为运河沿岸的城市创造一个全新的旅游业。 但它值得它的巨大价格标签吗?它会造成政治不稳定吗? 这就是假...

2025-02-05   Video
What If You Had to Find Baby Yoda


One task, you have. Find Baby Yoda, you must. The tracking fob, guide you it will. Where, begin your search, would you? This is WHAT IF, and here's what would happen if You Had to Find Bab...

一项任务,您有。 找到尤达宝宝,你必须。 跟踪密钥,指导你会的。 从哪里开始搜索,你会吗? 这就是假设,如果你必须找到尤达宝宝会发生什么。 好吧,这听起来是一件容易的事。 但我们不会搜索星球大战宇宙的 5...

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