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2025-02-18   Pre-Intermediate
The Story of George Washington, Part Two


Washington opposed rule by kings and dictators.He was shocked that some people talked of having a monarchy in America.He was even more shocked that they did not understand the harm they were doing.Was...

华盛顿反对国王和独裁者的统治。他对有些人谈论在美国实行君主制感到震惊。他更震惊的是,他们不理解他们所造成的伤害。华盛顿警告说,这种松散的谈话可能会导致在美国建立君主制的企图。他说,君主制将是美国敌人的伟大胜利,States.It 证明美国人...

2025-02-16   Pre-Intermediate
The Story of George Washington, Part One


The United States declared its independence from Britain on July 4, 1776.At first the new nation was a loosely formed alliance governed under the Articles of Confederation.As we described in previous ...

美国于 7 月 4 日宣布脱离英国独立,1776.At 首先,新国家是一个松散的联盟,根据我们在以前的计划中描述的 Confederation.As 条款进行管理,当新的政府计划,宪法于 1789 年 3 月 4 日生效时,这一切都发生了变...

2025-02-08   Pre-Intermediate
Doctor Brings Healing to Patients in Their Homes


Ernest Brown is a unique doctor. Unlike most doctors, he does not work in a clinic or hospital. He works out of a black Toyota truck. Patients do not come to him. He comes to their houses. Dr. Ernest...

欧内斯特·布朗 (Ernest Brown) 是一位独特的医生。与大多数医生不同,他不在诊所或医院工作。他在一辆黑色丰田卡车上工作。病人不来找他。他来到他们家。 Ernest Brown 博士是一位上门拜访的医生。 2008 年,Bro...

2025-02-04   Pre-Intermediate
Combating Obesity, a 12-Year-Old Leads by Example


The number of overweight children in the U.S. is growing. That is the reason the American Heart Association and the Clinton Foundation created the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. Over the past 1...

美国超重儿童的数量正在增加。这就是美国心脏协会(American Heart Association)和克林顿基金会(Clinton Foundation)成立更健康一代联盟(Alliance for a Healthier Generat...

2024-12-28   British English
The Nobel Prizewinning Short-story Writer - Alice Munro


Culture. Alice Munro. The English language's Chekhov. The Nobel prizewinning short-story writer has died, aged 92. "Promise me you'll boil the water you drink. And you won't marry a farmer," says...

文艺 艾丽丝·门罗 英语文学中的契诃夫 曾获诺奖的短篇小说家门罗逝世,享年92岁。 “答应我,喝的水要烧开。还有,你不会嫁给一个农民。”《好女人的爱情》中的一个人物说。读者立刻就进入了艾丽丝·门罗的语境:疾病缠身、激情被抑制...

2024-12-09   Video
A Look Back at the Career of Jeff Bezos


(tense tonal music) (Jeff yelps) (crowd cheering) - [Narrator] On Tuesday, Jeff Bezos and three other passengers successfully completed the first manned mission of Blue Origin's New...

(紧张的音调音乐) (杰夫大喊) (人群欢呼) - [旁白] 星期二, 杰夫·贝佐斯 (Jeff Bezos) 和其他三名乘客 成功完成 首次载人任务 蓝色起源的新谢泼德飞船。 - [女士] 加油...

2024-12-08   Pre-Intermediate
Atomic Bomb Survivors Group Wins Nobel Peace Prize


The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to Nihon Hidankyo, a Japanese organization of survivors of the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for its activism against nuclear weapons. The N...

诺贝尔和平奖授予日本 Hidankyo,这是一个由美国广岛和长崎原子弹爆炸幸存者组成的日本组织,旨在表彰其反对核武器的积极活动。 诺贝尔委员会表示,它“希望向所有幸存者致敬,他们尽管遭受了身体上的痛苦和痛苦的回忆,但他们选择利用他们宝...

2024-12-06   Pre-Intermediate
Scientists Win Nobel in Chemistry for Predicting, Designing Proteins


Three scientists who developed methods to predict the structure of proteins and build new ones have won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The winners were American David Baker, a professor at the Univers...

三位科学家开发了预测蛋白质结构并构建新蛋白质的方法,他们获得了诺贝尔化学奖。 获奖者是美国人、华盛顿大学教授大卫·贝克(David Baker);英国人 Demis Hassabis,谷歌伦敦 DeepMind 研究实验室负责人;以及美国...

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