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2024-11-29   Intermediate
America’s Crumbling Water Infrastructure


- [Narrator] Every two minutes, there's a water main break somewhere in the country's more than 2.2 million miles of pipes according to the American Society of Civil Engineers. It's just...

2024-11-26   British English
Gossip in the Workplace


Business. Bartleby. Gossip in the workplace. Pssst! Want to read something about rumour and innuendo? Gossip is everywhere. On one estimate, from Megan Robbins and Alexander Karan of Univer...

商业 巴托比 职场八卦 嘘!想读点关于流言蜚语的文章吗? 八卦无处不在。根据加州大学河滨分校的梅根·罗宾斯和亚历山大·卡兰的估计,人们平均每天花52分钟谈论别人。 职场中到处都是八卦。你可以在同事之间的聊天中听到八卦,...

2024-11-21   Video
The ‘IKEA Effect’


(lighthearted music) - You know they don't tell you, "Don't lay on the bed." You're supposed to lay on the bed. - [Narrator] If you've ever visited an Ikea, you've likely encountered ...

2024-11-19   Intermediate
I Challenged My AI Clone to Replace Me for 24 Hours


- Today we're going to create an avatar that looks and moves like me. (camera snapping) We begin by smiling into the camera. (dramatic music) I love to smile. Smiling's my favorite. ...

2024-11-17   Video
How Roblox Became a $45 Billion Videogame Company


(upbeat music) - A lot of the work you do is with blocks. It's the core shape of the platform. - [Narrator] Samuel Jordan has been making video games since he was 15 years old. - I've ...

2024-11-10   British English
Scrabble Made less Competitive to be Attractive to Gen Z, Part 2


Each group then tested two hand creams, one ostensibly made to the original formula and the other a newly developed product. Even though the cream was the same in every instance, people who thought...

然后,每个小组测试了两种护手霜,一种表面上是根据原始配方制作的,另一种是新开发的产品。尽管护手霜在每个例子中都是一样的,但那些以为公司成立于20世纪初的人认为新产品不如原来的产品,那些以为公司是最近成立的人对两个护手霜的评价一样。 传...

2024-11-08   Pre-Intermediate
Hawaiian Salt Makers Aim to Protect Tradition


Last summer on the Hawaiian Island of Kauai, Tina Taniguchi was working close to the ground. Her coconut leaf hat covered most of her thick brown hair. Wet soil had gotten on her clothes and her smili...

2024-11-08   British English
Scrabble Made less Competitive to be Attractive to Gen Z, Part 1


Business. Bartleby. How to combine heritage and innovation. "Thick", scoffed the headline on the Daily Mail website on April 9th, in response to the news that Scrabble has had an overhaul. In ...

商业 巴托比 如何把传承和创新结合起来 “笨蛋”,4月9日英国《每日邮报》网站的新闻标题嘲讽道,这是对Scrabble进行了大改造消息的回应。在世界上的一些地区,这款文字游戏重新推出了双面棋盘,其中一面现在有新的、更简单的设计,目的是...

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