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2025-02-17   Intermediate
Airlines Are Offering Ultra-Cheap Transatlantic Flights


(inquisitive music) - So, if you've been looking to fly from America to Europe this year, you'll have noticed that there's a whole bunch of airlines that seem to suddenly be offering ver...

(好奇的音乐) - 那么,如果您一直在想飞行 今年从美国到欧洲, 你会注意到 一大堆航空公司 似乎突然之间 提供非常便宜的票价。 Norse、French Bee 和 Play 等航空公司 都在努力捕...

2025-02-03   Intermediate
How Pop-Tarts Became A $1 Billion Breakfast Icont, Part 2


Nearly 30% of the US would eat pop tarts, and that is something that we're really proud of. Pop Tarts has endured recessions, natural disasters and shifting consumer preferences, but held st...

近 30% 的美国人会吃流行馅饼,而且 是我们真正引以为豪的事情。 Pop Tarts 经历了经济衰退、自然灾害和转变 消费者偏好, 但多年来一直保持稳定,尽管也不能幸免于上升 成本。 看看 Pop Tarts ...

2025-02-01   Intermediate
How Pop-Tarts Became A $1 Billion Breakfast Icont, Part 1


First thing I think about when I hear the word pop tarts is yummy. The pantry at my Nana's house. My childhood and being very happy. The one word I would say is nostalgic. For 60 years, t...

当我听到 pop tarts 这个词时,我首先想到的是 美味。 我 Nana 家的食品储藏室。 我的童年和非常快乐。 我想说的一个词是怀旧。 60 年来,这种烤面包机糕点一直主导着早餐 市场 超越世代,便利...

2025-01-26   Intermediate
What It Takes to Grow Four Million Oysters From 1.5 Billion Larvae


- [Narrator] These are oysters. - At first, it kinda looks like quinoa. - [Narrator] More than 40 million pounds of oysters are produced in the US each year, and that supply has struggled...

- [旁白] 这些是牡蛎。 - 起初,它看起来有点像藜麦。 - [旁白] 40 岁以上 百万磅牡蛎 每年在美国生产, 而这种供应一直在苦苦挣扎 以满足需求。 最多需要三年时间 让牡蛎生长并准备食用, ...

2025-01-24   Intermediate
How to Convert Empty Offices Into Luxury Apartments


- [Narrator] For nearly 50 years, this lower Manhattan skyscraper was an office building, but in a few months it will reopen as a luxury apartment complex with 588 units. But unlike th...

- [旁白] 近 50 年来, 这座位于曼哈顿下城的摩天大楼 是一座办公楼, 但几个月后它将重新开放 作为豪华公寓 拥有 588 个单元的综合体。 但与这座建筑不同的是, 10 亿平方英尺的办公空间 ...

2025-01-22   Intermediate
How Carhartt Helped Build a Cult Following Around Workwear


(lively music) - Carhartt, the company has been a part of streetwear culture, as long as streetwear has been around. Drake, Rihanna, and Obama are only a few of the big names who have d...

(活泼的音乐) - 卡哈特, 公司一直是一家 街头服饰文化的一部分, 只要街头服饰存在。 Drake、Rihanna 和 Obama 是 只有少数大牌 谁穿上了这个品牌。 - 人们都穿着它 那可能是...

2025-01-21   British English
Why You Should Think Like a Lawyer, Part 2


Likewise, anyone running a company will never have all the answers. What they need is equanimity and a method of quickly arriving at conclusions that are likelier than not to be the correct ones. ...

同样地,任何经营公司的人都不会知道所有的答案。他们需要的是冷静和一种能够快速得出大概率是正确结论的方法。 管理者也能从对抗性司法制度中学到一些东西,这种制度是美国和英国等普通法司法审判的核心,在这种司法中,辩护律师在中立的裁决者(通常...

2025-01-19   British English
Why You Should Think Like a Lawyer, Part 1


Business. Bartleby. Why you should think like a lawyer. The unloved profession has a lot to teach managers. Lawyers are often seen as the most tedious of professionals. And the most derided (...

商业 巴托比 为什么你应该像律师一样思考 这个不讨喜的职业可以教给管理者们很多道理。 律师常被视为最乏味的专业人士。也是最受嘲笑的(“当你发现一个律师被混凝土埋到脖子时,说明什么?说明有人的混凝土用完了。”)然而,这种负面的...

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