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2024-07-10   Intermediate
Why the FTC Is Losing Against Big Tech


- [Narrator] In her first two years at the Federal Trade Commission, Chair Lina Khan has already taken on the biggest tech titans in the world. - Her beef is with the biggest company. -...

2024-07-03   Pre-Intermediate
Plastic Recycling, The Rebirth of a Plastic Bottle


In our program,we have described the trip made by plastic bottles from stores to recycling bins and then to recycling centers.The bottles are then broken down into small pieces,which are put into bags...

2024-07-02   Intermediate
Why a Pennsylvania Dirt Farm Supplies Most MLB Teams’ Infields


- [Narrator] Of the 30 major league Baseball teams, 26 have infield mixes sourced from here. - All right, so this is what we're after, the beginnings of a Baseball field. All the hard wor...

2024-07-02   Video
This New Tesla EV Adapter Solves One of EV Industry's Biggest Problems


- This is it. The adapter that will charge non-Teslas at Tesla Superchargers. It solves one of the EV industry's biggest problems. Kinda. Getting this thing off is a pain. I dropp...

2024-07-01   Pre-Intermediate
Plastic Recycling, The Trip Made by Plastic Bottles


Reduce, reuse, recycle.Recycling has become a part of American life.It also is an important part of the waste-processing industry.In fact, many cities and towns in the United States now have recycling...

2024-06-18   Intermediate
The $11B Tunnel That Could Save One of Europe’s Busiest Mountain Corridors


- [Narrator] For more than a decade, crews have been drilling tens of miles through the base of the Alps, all because they need to solve a traffic bottleneck here. The final goal? An $...

2024-06-03   British English
Insulin Prices in the United States, Part Two


These deals are eye-catching, but when patients turn up at pharmacies, they may find they cannot grab a bargain. Shaina Kasper of T1International, an advocacy group for diabetes patients, is a type...


2024-06-01   British English
Insulin Prices in the United States, Part One


“Move to the back if you’ve lost your life savings to the drug companies,” shouts a woman walking by your correspondent. A spirited group follows her to the end of a long queue for a Senate hearing...

走过记者身旁的一位女士喊道:“如果你因为制药公司而失去了一生的积蓄,请到后面排队。”5月10日,一群精神抖擞的人跟在她后面,排着长队等待参议院关于胰岛素价格的听证会举行。 在会议室里,美国大型制药公司—礼来制药厂的大卫·瑞克斯作证说,...

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