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British English 2021-11-26    
Stephen Schneider, Climate Scientist


Obituary; Steve Schneider; Stephen Schneider, climate scientist, died on July 19th, aged 65. “Mark twain had it backwards,” Steve Schneider joked, in a lecture he gave to the American Association fo...

British English 2021-11-24    
The Climate May not be as Sensitive to Carbon Dioxide


Science and Technolgy 【Climate change】 Good news at last? 【The climate may not be as sensitive to carbon dioxide as previously believed】 CLIMATE science is famously complicated, but one useful num...

British English 2021-11-22    
Dewey & LeBoeuf


【Business】 Dewey & LeBoeuf 【With a bang, not a whimper】 When a law firm gets into trouble, it can be hard to recover THE chief benefit of the merger of Dewey Ballantine and LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene &...

British English 2021-11-20    
Trademark Bullying


Business.Trademark bullying.Shut your kale-hole.What's in a name, anyway? CHICK-FIL-A sells an average of nine sandwiches per second at its roughly 1,600 restaurants. Bo Muller-Moore paints T-shir...

British English 2021-11-18    
The Science of Justice


Science and Technology 【The science of justice】 I think it's time we broke for lunch… 【Court rulings depend partly on when the judge last had a snack】 AROUND the world, courthouses are adorned w...

British English 2021-11-16    
Transport in Japan


Business 【Transport in Japan】 Bullet vs budget 【Can low-cost airlines beat bullet trains?】 THE world's busiest train route, and one of the busiest air routes, is between Tokyo and Osaka, Japan's t...

British English 2021-11-14    
Saving Nature in a Post-Wild World. By Emma Marris


Books and Arts; Book Review;【The constant gardener;】The future of wilderness 【Rambunctious Garden: Saving Nature in a Post-Wild World. By Emma Marris.】 When the Scottish-born American naturalist, Jo...

British English 2021-11-12    
Social Science - Wisdom About Crowds


Science and Technology 【Social science】 Wisdom about crowds 【To model the behaviour of humans en masse, treat them as people, not molecules】 THE behaviour of crowds is sometimes unpredictable and ...

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