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British English 2024-06-15    
Having Children Really Does Make a Man more Content with Life


Science and Technology. The joys of parenthood. Father's day. Having children really does make a man more content with life. WILL fatherhood make me happy? That is a question many men have found...

Pre-Intermediate 2024-06-15    
When Collecting Things Becomes a Problem, Part 1


(MUSIC)Many people in the United States are looking forward to the return of spring.During this season,millions of Americans do what is known as Spring Cleaning.They open windows in their homes to let...

Intermediate 2024-06-14    
Are Orcas Friends or Foes, Part One


Leong: The game is simple: while our scientists won’t be taking sides, they’ll help us untangle the orcas’ behavioral track record to evaluate the true nature of these creatures and how we relate to t...

Video 2024-06-14    
What Would Happen If We’re Living in a Computer Simulation


What if your reality was nothing more than a complex computer simulation? This is WHAT IF, and here's what would happen if you were living in a simulation. This is what the very first co...

British English 2024-06-13    
A Powerful Gauge of the Economy, Part Two


The Fed papers also see a third use for tweets: as a bellwether of sorts for monetary policy. Ms. Vega and colleagues find that the social-media site fares better than changes in bond yields in pr...

Pre-Intermediate 2024-06-13    
Stories about Mental Health Issues, Part Two


Carers have a fight every day. The have to fight to see the person instead of the sickness. Society often sees the sickness not the person. Yet how can we blame other people? We do it in our own homes...

Intermediate 2024-06-12    
How Singapore Handles Six Million Pounds of Trash Daily


- [Narrator] Singapore generated around 16.3 billion pounds of solid waste in 2022. Almost half of that is dumped here, Singapore's only landfill. And a portion of Semakau Landfill is al...

Video 2024-06-12    
From Dog DNA to Human Diseases


NARRATOR: Since they were first domesticated from wolves, dogs have nuzzled, pawed, and pranced their way into hearts all over the world. People have herded and hunted with them, relied...

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