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British English 2024-12-24    
Spice. By Roger Crowley


Culture. Book review. History. The spice of life. Spice. By Roger Crowley. They looked humble enough. One observer compared clove plants to laurel shrubs, while nutmeg, he noticed, grew on s...

Pre-Intermediate 2024-12-24    
Japan's Cafés Where People Can Pet Pigs


In Japan’s big cities, small restaurants that serve coffee, called cafés, are known for starting trends. First there were pet cafés, then cat cafés. The latest trend in Japan is a café that has pigs. ...

Intermediate 2024-12-23    
How Ben & Jerry’s Activism Helps Scoop Up Customers


(pensive music) (spoon sliding) - [Narrator] Phish Food, Chunky Monkey, these quirky flavors are unmistakably Ben & Jerry's. But what really sets the brand apart is its activism despite ...

Video 2024-12-23    
What If You Could Ski On Mars


Did you know that Mars has polar ice caps just like we do here on Earth? With the right technology, they might be our water source should we ever move to the red planet. But in their curren...

Pre-Intermediate 2024-12-22    
Keeper Wants You to Know Vatican’s Secrets


Pope Leo XIII first opened the archive to researchers in 1881. Until then, it had only been used to serve the pope and preserve documentation of the head of the Catholic Church dating from the 8th cen...

British English 2024-12-22    
Pop Stars are all about Albums


Culture. Forgoing the single life. Pop stars are all about albums. Contradictory though it may seem in the streaming era. To Billie Eilish, things like cassettes and CDS probably seem charmin...

Intermediate 2024-12-21    
Why the SPAC Boom Fizzled


- This is the key which opens the door for future growth, and stability. - [Narrator] That's the CEO of Lucid, a company you probably haven't heard of even though it was valued at $24 bil...

Video 2024-12-21    
How Does Autopilot Work


- The autopilot relies on a series of sensors all around the aircraft collecting data. - [Narrator] This is Captain Sonya Laxo, a 23-year veteran at American Airlines. She, like other pil...

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