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British English 2025-01-05    
The Study of Dark Energy is Surprisingly New, Part 2


These patterns have grown as dark energy has caused the universe to expand. Analysing the most distant imprints in effect gives cosmologists a way of looking back in time, allowing them to chart th...

Pre-Intermediate 2025-01-05    
Brazilian Artist’s Mural Shows Climate Disasters


Brazilian artist and activist Mundano recently used some unusual substances to paint a picture on a building in Sao Paulo. The paint included materials, such as ash and mud, collected from natural dis...

Intermediate 2025-01-04    
Could 3-D Holograms Replace Zoom Work Calls


- [Narrator] You might be familiar with holograms (soft electronic music) or three dimensional light projections from movies like Star Wars. - I regret that I'm unable (dramatic music) ...

Video 2025-01-04    
What If We Had Working Quantum Computers Today


Get rid of your old computers, because the future of technology has arrived! It's not artificial intelligence or virtual reality; it's something called quantum computing! And it could completely...

Pre-Intermediate 2025-01-03    
NASA to Launch Instruments to Study Water on Moon


The American space agency NASA is preparing to launch a spacecraft to seek more detailed information on water sources on the moon. The spacecraft is an orbiter called Lunar Trailblazer. It is set to ...

British English 2025-01-03    
The Study of Dark Energy is Surprisingly New, Part 1


In Arizona, at Kitt Peak National Observatory, a telescope has spent three years building a three-dimensional map of the heavens. In examining the light from tens of millions of galaxies, the Dark ...

Intermediate 2025-01-02    
How Chipotle’s Stock Exploded About 400% in Five Years


- [Narrator] Chipotle's menu only has a few items, but it's highly customizable. Born in 1993, that's what's made Chipotle one of the most successful fast casual restaurant chains in the ...

Video 2025-01-02    
How I Turned My 4-Year-Old’s Art Into an NFT


(bright classical music) - [Joanna] This is my four-year-old son. He's basically van Gogh. - [Son] I've got a piece for the rainbow, mommy. - [Joanna] His latest work might not look like...

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