Eleanor Roosevelt was the wife of America's thirty-second president,Franklin Delano Roosevelt.She helped her husband in many ways during his long political life.She also became one of the most influen...
Angst for the educated. A university degree no longer confers financial security. MILLIONS of school-leavers in the rich world are about to bid a tearful goodbye to their parents and start a new l...
Friedman: We shift to a clean energy system. We adapt how we use energy. We become hyperefficient. What's the worse [worst] that will happen?" Steve: All right. Friedman: What's that will happen is ...
Recently there has been a lot of talk about measles. What does measles actually do, and should you vaccinate against it? Or is this just hysteria? Measles is a virus: a hull of proteins,...
Water is one the most important things people need to live. We use it to cook, to wash, and to drink. But water can also be the cause of many problems. Floods can damage cities. Heavy rains can cause ...
Entrepreneurship and technology. Where’s Britain’s Bill Gates? Britain’s government cannot conjure a technology giant out of thin air. But it can help. MEET the British Bill Gates. He studied com...
Steve: One of the interesting things you bring up is this idea that more and more, you know, you were just really nearly in some ways exposing ourselves on the Internet, but that seems to be almost of...
We're going to have a look at the way in which an amputated limb grows over the course of about 90 days in a salamander. That's a time-lapse movie, watching that thing grow. And now we're ...
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