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Pre-Intermediate 2022-07-22    
Bush Became Reagan's Running Mate


Ronald Reagan was finishing his second term.He was America's fortieth president and one of the most popular.During his eight years in office,many Americans did well financially.Many felt more secure a...

British English 2022-07-22    
The Economic Crisis Undid Economic Progress


It shows that Greece’s economic clock has been turned back furthest: it has been rewound by over 12 years. Elsewhere in the euro area, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain have lost seven years or more....

Intermediate 2022-07-21    
The Opera 'Doctor Atomic'


Steve: Benjamin Bederson is emeritus professor of physics at NYU. He will take us from the Manhattan Project itself to a discussion of the opera, Doctor Atomic. Bederson: I was at Los Alamos and I al...

Video 2022-07-21    
How Physicists Trapped Photons in a Box


My name is Serge Haroche and I’m a physicist. I got the Nobel Prize in 2012 and it was for the manipulation of individual quantum systems. So, what we did was to trap photons in a box and ...

Pre-Intermediate 2022-07-20    
Snoring - A Sleep Problem


Mike is a teacher. He lives in California. Mike had a problem. He was always tired. Often, he would fall asleep at work. He would fall asleep while watching television. He even almost fell asleep whil...

British English 2022-07-20    
The Reanimation of America’s Housing Market is Odd


THE reanimation of America’s housing market has been a long time coming. Residential building last contributed positively to growth in 2005. Housing-construction employment has dropped 43% since then....

Intermediate 2022-07-19    
Talk with the Manhattan Project Physicists


Steve: Now a few of the other Manhattan Project physicists: Murray Peshkin, Leonard Jossem, Roy Glauber, Al Bartlett, and Hans Courant. Peshkin: I am Murray Peshkin. I was among the very youngest peo...

Video 2022-07-19    
Treating HIV Infection with a Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor


Let's review how HIV's reverse transcriptase works. The yellow strand is HIV RNA; it's attached to the reverse transcriptase enzyme. Reverse transcriptase uses the hosts cell nucleotides....

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