Thomas Edison is remembered most for the electric light,his phonograph and his work with motion pictures.(MUSIC)Thomas Edison's major inventions were designed and built in the last years of the eighte...
Book and arts. Book review. American business in wartime. Democracy's arsenal. Freedom's Forge: How American Business Produced Victory in World War II. By Arthur Herman. “WHAT is America but be...
Steve: In the last chapter of the your book, you tell us the story at the beginning where you've just spoken to a group of businessmen and one of them comes up to you afterwards and says, "I thought y...
Are you your body? Well, kind of, right? But is there a line where this stops being true? How much of yourself can you remove, before you stop being you? And does the question even make se...
Imagine this situation. You are at a school. It is time for the mid-day meal. All the children bring out their food and prepare to eat. Everything is fine until one child has the idea to throw his foo...
A SCHOOLBOY once asked George Daniels what he had at the end of the chain that led to his pocket. A silly question, really. But it was worth asking, because what Mr Daniels pulled out, carefully, was ...
Rennie: Derek and the nano Dominos. Steve: And we have this wonderful photo of a guy listening to apparently nothing because this radio is so small it is invisible. Rennie: That's right, that's righ...
We're going to be looking at these electrical impulses, these flashes, which are called action potentials, are crossing three neurons in the circuit here. And as we look in higher po...
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