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British English 2021-11-20    
Trademark Bullying


Business.Trademark bullying.Shut your kale-hole.What's in a name, anyway? CHICK-FIL-A sells an average of nine sandwiches per second at its roughly 1,600 restaurants. Bo Muller-Moore paints T-shir...

Intermediate 2021-11-19    
Talk with Frank Wilczek & Betsy Devine


We'll talk with Nobel Prize-winning M.I.T. physicist, Frank Wilczek, and his wife, Betsy Devine, and then we'll squeeze in a quick round of our science quiz. Frank Wilczek shared the 2004 Physics Nobe...

Video 2021-11-19    
Kidney Function


The kidney filters an enormous amount of plasma, and in so doing, it has become the central site for the regulation of the ionic composition of the body. All of the ions such as sodium, potassi...

British English 2021-11-18    
The Science of Justice


Science and Technology 【The science of justice】 I think it's time we broke for lunch… 【Court rulings depend partly on when the judge last had a snack】 AROUND the world, courthouses are adorned w...

Pre-Intermediate 2021-11-18    
Trusting Your Memory


Paul Doherty is a writer from the United States. He describes a memory for us. “I, my friend Martin, and a small group were climbing in the mountains. We climbed with two ropes. Martin and I climbe...

Intermediate 2021-11-17    
Early Universe


Steve: In your article, you mentioned Steven Weinberg's famous book, The First Three Minutes and how back when he wrote that in—I think, it was in 1977? Zajc: That's correct. Steve: He said that he ...

Video 2021-11-17    
Recombination of Viral Genomes


Let's talk about what goes on at the single cell level. How does a gene for influenza hemagglutinin get into a human virus? And I've prepared a small video to show you how this goes. Before we roll th...

Pre-Intermediate 2021-11-16    
Isaac Newton & Modern Science


Today we tell about one of the world's greatest scientists,Isaac Newton.(MUSIC)Much of today's science of physics is based on Newton's discovery of the three laws of motion and his theory of gravity.N...

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