รายงานในสหรัฐชี้ว่าในแต่ละปีมีนักกีฬาเยาวชนจำนวนมากในอเมริกาที่ถูกกระทบกระเทือนทางศรีษะจนเป็นอันตรายถึงแก่ชีวิต ซึ่งปัญหานี้เป็นปัญหาที่ยังไม่ได้รับความสนใจเท่าที่ควรเมื่อเทียบกับนักกีฬาระดับอาชีพ ...
La Abadía Ibéricos tiene más de cien años de historia y la experiencia de cinco generaciones de ganaderos. Ubicada en Guijuelo, Salamanca, lleva desde 1889 trabajando el sector porcino y elaborando de...
Steve: And even before reading your book, I remember thinking "That space station there, that ship they're on, it's so clean. It's so pristine. And they're shaved, they look all together." It...
Zéphyrin Kouadio : En France, on se prépare aux vacances, Anne. Elles débuteront d'ici deux semaines. Anne Corpet : Et malgré l'inflation et la perte de pouvoir d'achat, la saison touristique se pr...
KEN DIAL: The evolution of flight in birds has long been a great scientific puzzle. Fossil evidence from the past 40 years has established that birds descended from theropods-- a linea...
Một hệ thống trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI) mới có khả năng đọc cảnh quay camera trực tiếp và điều chỉnh đèn tín hiệu điều phối, duy trì di chuyển ổn định, giảm ách tắc giao thông đô thị. Năm 2014, người Mỹ...
Ozora Cassanova could never have imagined becoming homeless a year ago."I was a full-time student.I had a part-time job.I had my military job and I was a wife."Life changed for the United States Natio...
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