(MUSIC)"Good Night Irene,"is an example of a traditional folk song.That means the song is so old,no one really knows who wrote it.Huddie Ledbetter,the singer and guitarist known as Ledbelly,first reco...
Science and Technology. Lunar history. How do you solve a problem like maria? An ancient collision may explain the moon’s Janus faces EARTH’S moon has a split personality. One half of its surface...
Steve: Dr. Kohn, good to talk to you. We're sitting here in the rare book room at the Botanical Garden and it's really great to be in this room. Kohn: It's wonderful to see you here. Steve: We are s...
The ocean conveyor belt and the Gulf Stream. Ocean currents have a direct influence on our lives. They determine our weather, our climate, and much more. The ocean currents and wind system...
Every day, road accidents kill over three thousand five hundred [3500] people around the world. And over one hundred fifty thousand [150,000] people are injured. These road accidents affect millions o...
Doctoral degrees. The disposable academic. Why doing a PhD is often a waste of time? ON THE evening before All Saints’ Day in 1517, Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of a church in Witte...
Minkel: I wonder, could you start by telling our listeners what plasma is? Blandford: Oh! Plasma is an ionized gas—it's one where the electrons are separated from the nuclei, usually formed at high t...
[CARROLL:] Let's compare two flies, one without spots, which is the humdrum Drosophila melanogaster, one with spots on the male, Drosophila biarmipes. There's a gene, we're just going to ...
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