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Pre-Intermediate 2022-06-24    
A Tsunami Causes Can be Lessened by Timely Warnings


Tsunami is a two-character Japanese word."Tsu" means "harbor," and "nami" means "wave." So, the Japanese call tsunamis, "harbor waves." Tsunamis happen after an earthquake strikes,either near or under...

British English 2022-06-24    
Electronic Education


Electronic education. Flipping the classroom. Hopes that the internet can improve teaching may at last be bearing fruit. THE 12-year-olds filing into Courtney Cadwell’s classroom at Egan Junior H...

Intermediate 2022-06-23    
Alternative Energy


Steve: There's an interesting kind of overarching futuristic theme here. Rennie: Yeah, I think a lot of articles in this issue, somewhat by coincidence more than design, really have to do with a lot ...

Video 2022-06-23    
The Death Of Bees Explained


Human society is extremely complex and fragile, built upon various pillars. One of them is the honey bee. One out of three meals eaten by humans is made possible by honey bees. They are ...

Pre-Intermediate 2022-06-22    
The Human Speechome Project


When Owen was born, his mother, Janice, took many pictures of him. Her camera was always busy! She took pictures of Owen wearing funny hats. She took pictures of Owen taking a bath. She took pictures ...

British English 2022-06-22    
Some Companies are Combining Growth with Greenery


Green growth. Some emerging-world companies are combining growth with greenery. THE enrichment of previously poor countries is the most inspiring development of our time. It is also worrying. The ...

Intermediate 2022-06-21    
Searching for Intelligence


Steve: What, really, is intelligence? Zimmer: Well there are a lot of different ways of testing intelligence, and you can find them on IQ tests and other kinds of tests; and they tend to correlate to...

Video 2022-06-21    
Zebrafish Heart Regeneration


Zebrafish, which any of you who are fish fanciers keep in the fish tank, can get to be about two inches long. It's got a little heart with just two chambers one atrium and one ventricle an...

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