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Pre-Intermediate 2022-07-14    
Learn About Bonobos


A new genetic map of the bonobo shows just how close these endangered creatures are to human beings.The map also shows how genetically close both bonobos and humans are to chimpanzees.Chimpanzees and ...

British English 2022-07-14    
‘The End of the Segregated Century’


"ALL-WHITE neighbourhoods are effectively extinct," according to "The End of the Segregated Century", a recent report by the Manhattan Institute, a New York think-tank. Only 0.5% of America’s 70,000 n...

Intermediate 2022-07-13    
The Science of Pain


Mackey: I am also intrigued by this answer to the empathy. It has been verbally defined. One definition is: the observation of an action or perception or emotional state in an individual that activate...

Video 2022-07-13    
What Will the Antikythera Shipwreck Skeleton Tell Us


50 meters underwater, just off the Greek island of Antikythera, lie the remains of a merchant vessel that sank 2,000 years ago. It’s one of the oldest and most famous shipwrecks ever di...

Pre-Intermediate 2022-07-12    
Face Blindness


How do you recognize other people - like your friends, your parents, or your wife or husband? How do you recognize yourself? If you are like many people in the world, you may not be able to explain it...

British English 2022-07-12    


AFTER three years of stagnant loan growth, The Peoples Bank in Coldwater, Ohio, has noticed a change. Clients who two years ago would not have qualified for a loan now find that they can. One customer...

Intermediate 2022-07-11    
Viruses Against Disease


Steve: Even if they don't read it, just look at the pictures—what amazing photographs! Rennie: They really are. The photographer did a wonderful job of capturing what's so beautiful and fascinating a...

Video 2022-07-11    
Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (Footage)


This video was prepared by my colleagues Dieter Egli and Kevin Eggan. And you see here, on the left is what's called a holding pipette, which gently sucks on the egg. The egg is surroun...

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