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Intermediate 2022-08-26    
In Search of Time II


Steve: Isn't it horrible to be stuck in Wednesday forever? Falk: It's so hard for me even to conceive of this system, but there is nothing wrong with it. You know, it's all right. I think it just mak...

Video 2022-08-26    
Gamma-Ray Bursts Explained


Imagine if you could gather the energy from every star within a hundred million light years. From thousands of galaxies, each with billions of stars. Imagine, you could take this kind of power, ...

Pre-Intermediate 2022-08-25    
About Smoking While Pregnancy


“I honestly do not think a few puffs from a cigarette are going to do that much damage to my unborn baby.” These are the words of Kerry Katona. Kerry is a British Pop Star. She was once part of the...

British English 2022-08-25    
Roman Opalka


SLOWLY, though his heart was pounding like a runner’s, Roman Opalka approached the canvas. He had painted it completely black. The date, though he set no store by dates, was 1965. Clenched in his left...

Intermediate 2022-08-24    
In Search of Time I


Falk: You know, before I started researching this book, I thought Julius Caesar is dead—I think most of us thought Julius Caesar [is dead]—and then I spoke with a physicist named Julian Barbour a[n] i...

Video 2022-08-24    
Cellular Differentiation Along Concentration Gradients


So let's look, for example, just at three cells here. They are equivalent in potential, they could give rise to any region of the nervous system, but by chance they occupy different posit...

Pre-Intermediate 2022-08-23    
Thomas Alva Edison


Thomas Edison is remembered most for the electric light,his phonograph and his work with motion pictures.(MUSIC)Thomas Edison's major inventions were designed and built in the last years of the eighte...

British English 2022-08-23    
‘How American Business Produced Victory in World War II’


Book and arts. Book review. American business in wartime. Democracy's arsenal. Freedom's Forge: How American Business Produced Victory in World War II. By Arthur Herman. “WHAT is America but be...

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