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Pre-Intermediate 2022-09-06    
Nageeb Mahfouz


It is a warm night in October, 1994. An old man walks slowly out of his house. He has lived there for many years. He loves being near the Nile. This great river runs through his city, Cairo - the capi...

British English 2022-09-06    
Brian Haw


When Brian Haw sat in his old canvas chair in front of his banner-hung tent in Parliament Square, people kept coming by.$#10320#$10320#$ Tourists with their cameras.$#10320#$10320#$ Teenagers drinking...

Intermediate 2022-09-05    
Health and the Environment I


Amato: I would say in the field of human health for the last five or six years, the dominant news stories have been about emerging diseases, whether it was SARS or avian influenza or novel diseases li...

Video 2022-09-05    
Reflex and Sensitization in a Sea Slug


So we're looking at an Aplysia stretched out. We're going to focus in on the gill and the siphon. We're going to apply an extremely weak stimulus so you can see the amplification with s...

Pre-Intermediate 2022-09-04    
Program UNAIDS


More than eight million people around the world are now receiving antiretroviral drug therapy.That is a twenty percent increase over the past year.All those receiving the treatment have the human immu...

British English 2022-09-04    
Severiano Ballesteros II


But pride fired him more. Man and boy, he was consumed by the need to prove himself. First against his three brothers, who also became professional golfers; against the old guard at the Royal Golf Clu...

Intermediate 2022-09-03    
Is Evolution True


Steve: You're doing really interesting work. You've decoupled sort of, "Is evolution true?", you know, "What are problems with evolution?", from people's interpretations of whether or not they accept ...

Video 2022-09-03    
Capturing a Portrait of Humanity's Home


Later, from a V-2 Rocket, you got the most graphic, actual pictures yet taken by a camera showing how the earth looks from a point 70 miles in space. Though no man has yet ventured m...

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