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Pre-Intermediate 2023-01-02    
NY Museum Showed Crawling with Spiders


What has eight legs,comes in forty-three thousand species and has a serious public image problem? If you said a spider, you are right!The spider family has lived on Earth for about three hundred milli...

西班牙语 2023-01-02    
Más de tres décadas elaborando txacolí


España está ya en plena vendimia, aunque en cada lugar se empieza en una fecha diferente y hay una gran diversidad de vinos. En el País Vasco, se produce un vino blanco de gran personalidad y tradició...

泰语 2023-01-02    
เทคโนโลยีและการปรับตัวของนักบัญชี (ตอนที่ 2)


• นักบัญชีนอกจากทำงานเชิงตัวเลขแล้ว ต้องทำงานเชิงกลยุทธ์มากขึ้น • ความสำคัญของนักบัญชีในการช่วยวางแผนกลยุทธ์ธุรกิจเป็นอย่างไร • ทักษะการสื่อสารสำหรับนักบัญชีเป็นเรื่องจำเป็น • กระบวนการทำงาน-เทคโนโ...

Intermediate 2023-01-01    
World Changing Ideas


Steve: So some interesting stuff. The big cover article: "World Changing Ideas" is actually a section really, not an article. Mariette: Yes, it's a 10-page section on 20 spectacularly innovative idea...

越南语 2023-01-01    
Phát minh mới tái chế rác thải vải bông thành vải mới giá trị cao【Miền Bắc】


Các nhà nghiên cứu Thụy Điển phát minh được một phương pháp chuyển đổi vải bông thải loại thành đường, được dùng để sản xuất vải thun, nylon hoặc ethanol. Ngành công nghiệp nhẹ nhiều thập kỷ cố gắn...

越南语 2023-01-01    
Phát minh mới tái chế rác thải vải bông thành vải mới giá trị cao【Miền Nam】


Các nhà nghiên cứu Thụy Điển phát minh được một phương pháp chuyển đổi vải bông thải loại thành đường, được dùng để sản xuất vải thun, nylon hoặc ethanol. Ngành công nghiệp nhẹ nhiều thập kỷ cố gắn...

Video 2023-01-01    
How Stupid Things Become Smart Together


An ant is pretty stupid. It doesn't have much of a brain, no will, no plan, and yet, many ants together are smart. An ant colony can construct complex structures. Some colonies keep farms ...

Pre-Intermediate 2022-12-31    
Bipolar Disorder


“I was in the tenth year of school. I can remember being awake for days. And I was talking a lot. My mind was working all the time. My senses were completely alive. Life was beautiful. I had never fel...

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