Trong một nghiên cứu, các nhà khoa học Thụy Điển phát hiện được phương pháp tăng cường hiệu suất và tính ổn định pin điện mặt trời trên cơ sở "perovskites", gần hơn đến sản xuất công nghiệp và thương ...
Un riche patrimoine et les Abitibiens eux-mêmes racontent cette politique de peuplement en région hostile, puis la ruée vers l’or qui s’y déroula dans l’entre-deux-guerres. Une histoire encore méconnu...
Britain. Linguistics. Argot bargy. Why urban teenagers speak the way they do? In her novel “White Teeth”, published in 2000, Zadie Smith noted that in London, “all kids, whatever their nationali...
La lingüística computacional es una especialidad que dota a las máquinas de entendimiento y capacidad de lenguaje. Detrás de esta especialidad se esconde un complejo proceso mediante el que los objeto...
นักจิตวิทยา Kevin Leman ผู้เขียนหนังสือเรื่อง The Birth Order Book มีคำอธิบายว่าลำดับการเกิดก่อนหลัง การเป็นพี่คนโตหรือน้องคนเล็กอาจส่งผลต่อการหาคู่และชีวิตรักของแต่ละคนได้ หนังสือ The Birth Order ...
À combien va se monter la facture du Brexit ? C’est-à-dire, combien ça va coûter ? Quel va être le coût de ce divorce entre le Royaume-Uni et l’Europe ? C’est bien ce qui préoccupe en ce moment Michel...
Corals are small animals, but they build structures that you can actually see from space. And as we zoom in we see the reefs where I work on a little island called Ofu in American Samoa, ...
It happened seventeen hundred years ago, in Rome. The story says that he was in prison for being a Christian. He performed marriages even though they were illegal. The government captured him and put ...
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