Some members have long pledged a tax on financial transactions. But as James Tobin, its intellectual godfather, supposedly said, the levy is like the Loch Ness Monster: the idea occasionally pop...
When widows move to cities, they find shelter in buildings that have been left empty. They have no heat, no water, no electricity. In winter the temperature can drop to seventeen degrees Celsius below...
SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company) บริษัทจัดตั้งเฉพาะกิจเพื่อเข้าซื้อกิจการ | การที่บริษัทเข้าซื้อกิจการเป็นเรื่องปกติ แต่ SPAC บริษัทที่ไม่มีอะไรเลย ทำไมเข้าซื้อกิจการได้ ทำไมจดทะเบียนได้ ทำไ...
OLIVIA JUDSON: A principios del siglo XX, los físicos y químicos revelaron los secretos del átomo y cambiaron el mundo para siempre. Pero la vida siguió siendo un gran misterio. Ent...
Steve: Carson is obviously talking about the NFLs concussion crisis, the head trauma faced by players has been a subject of discussion for years now, but it really exploded into the public co...
Marina Mielczarek : Oh, il y a une belle housse, là. Franck Maniquant : Voilà, c’est le type de jeu effectivement… Marina Mielczarek : Une housse en cuir et là, il y a un jeu de Scrabble, donc da...
Cơn sốt đầu tư trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI) tạo sinh đã đẩy cổ phiếu của Nvidia đã tăng giá gần gấp ba lần trong năm nay. Thị trường quá phấn khích với AI. Bong bóng dot-com đã dạy cho các nhà đầu tư ph...
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