Homme : Pour être heureux, il faut arriver à se laisser aimer. Alix L'Hospital : C’est quelque chose qu’on arrive à faire avec le temps ? Homme : Peut-être. [Rires] Alix L'Hospital : Et vous êtes h...
Business. Bartleby. Dominic Raab, bully or victim? If enough people think you’re a bad boss, then you are a bad boss. A fascinating case study on the exercise of power within an organisation ...
They know that there is more to Kibera than just violence and suffering. They know because they live there themselves. They know that hope also lives in Kibera. And they want to share their stories of...
ChatGPT ช่วยให้เราตัดสินใจเลือกสินทรัพย์เข้าพอร์ตลงทุนได้ดีขึ้นจริงไหม ChatGPT อาจคาดเดาทิศทางของหุ้นได้นะ ใช้ ChatGPT วิเคราะห์พาดข่าวและประเมินว่าข่าวนี้ดีหรือไม่ดีสำหรับหุ้น
El síndrome de sabiduría repentina es un fenómeno poco común en el cual una persona a menudo sin antecedentes o formación en un área determinada, muestra un conocimiento súbito y profund...
Andrea Thompson: Ever since I was a kid, I wanted a dog. But it wasn’t until I was an adult–newly laid off and missing a beloved cat that had passed more than a year earlier–that my husband and I adop...
[music] [applause] -Hi, everyone. My name is Annie. I'm from the Innovation & Digital Health Accelerator group at Boston Children's Hospital. For those of you who don't know, Boston ...
Trí tuệ nhân tạo AI đang ngày càng được ứng dụng rộng rãi trong nhiều lĩnh vực, trong đó có viết lách. Nếu được dùng đúng cách, AI có thể trở thành trợ thủ đắc lực, giúp cải thiện và nâng cao hiệu quả...
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