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Intermediate 2024-06-02    
Talking to Animals with Artificial Intelligence


Bushwick: One of the examples Karen gives in her book is about Egyptian fruit bats. A researcher named Yossi Yovel recorded audio and video of nearly two dozen bats for two and a half months. His team...

法语 2024-06-02    
Pourquoi les blockbusters coûtent de plus en plus cher – I


En 2023, sortait le 10ᵉ film de la série Fast and Furious. Coût estimé du film ? 340 millions de dollars. Assez pour s'acheter 260 maisons en plein cœur de Paris. Mais c'est surto...

越南语 2024-06-02    
7 việc cha mẹ cần làm để giúp con sử dụng mạng xã hội lành mạnh【Miền Bắc】


Để hỗ trợ các bậc phụ huynh nuôi dưỡng những trải nghiệm trực tuyến an toàn, bổ ích cho con, Meta đã chia sẻ một số lời khuyên giúp cha mẹ trao đổi hiệu quả hơn với con về việc sử dụng Internet và mạn...

越南语 2024-06-02    
7 việc cha mẹ cần làm để giúp con sử dụng mạng xã hội lành mạnh【Miền Nam】


Để hỗ trợ các bậc phụ huynh nuôi dưỡng những trải nghiệm trực tuyến an toàn, bổ ích cho con, Meta đã chia sẻ một số lời khuyên giúp cha mẹ trao đổi hiệu quả hơn với con về việc sử dụng Internet và mạn...

Video 2024-06-02    
You're a Dream of the Universe (According to Science)


Absolutely everything you think about yourself and the universe could be an illusion. As far as you know, you are real and exist in a universe that was born 14 billion years ago and that gave ...

Pre-Intermediate 2024-06-01    
Ivorian Asked the Country to Work for Peace, Part Two


Another teacher has already seen the bad effects. “The war has really lowered educational standards. Ivory Coast will suffer from this for years to come.” Still, for five years, many people have...

British English 2024-06-01    
Insulin Prices in the United States, Part One


“Move to the back if you’ve lost your life savings to the drug companies,” shouts a woman walking by your correspondent. A spirited group follows her to the end of a long queue for a Senate hearing...

泰语 2024-06-01    
การฝึกสติในเด็กประถม - Ⅰ


การฝึกเด็กประถมให้รู้จัก #สติ (mindfulness) สำคัญอย่างไร และสัมพันธ์กับอารมณ์ของเด็กอย่างไรบ้าง ทำไมการ #ฝึกสติ วัยเด็กประถมเห็นผลมากกว่าวัยอนุบาล ทำไมการฝึกสติใน #เด็ก เป็นสิ่งจำเป็นสำหรับยุคนี...

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