Según el VII Informe Young Business Talents: La visión del profesor, la ausencia de un Pacto de Estado y la desigualdad entre Comunidades Autónomas son los principales problemas de nuestro sistema edu...
Weiss: These marine mammals they’re harassing don’t even eat the same thing they do, so it’s not like it’s a competition thing. They’re just kind of being dicks. Leong: In the Salish Sea in Washingto...
« Toute sa vie, elle a travaillé dans le "care" ». Voilà une phrase que j'ai entendue récemment. Est-ce que je l'aurais entendue il y a une quinzaine d'années ? Ou même dix ? Probablement pas, parce q...
Meta cảnh báo tài khoản kinh doanh, quảng cáo trở thành “đích ngắm” của phần mềm độc hại. Các phần mềm độc hại chủ yếu nhắm vào tài khoản cá nhân của những người quản lý hoặc được kết nối với các t...
This is the world 200 million years ago. No cell phones, electricity or even other humans. Wait dinosaurs are here? Okay, maybe this won't be so bad. The world was pretty different duri...
Science and Technology. The joys of parenthood. Father's day. Having children really does make a man more content with life. WILL fatherhood make me happy? That is a question many men have found...
(MUSIC)Many people in the United States are looking forward to the return of spring.During this season,millions of Americans do what is known as Spring Cleaning.They open windows in their homes to let...
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