+ 影音搜索


2022-04-24   Intermediate
Miguel Nicolelis and Mind-Powered Robots


Soares: In 2004 you gave [a] really impressive demonstration of how your work could lead to prosthetics controlled by the brain. Your star monkey, Aurora, learned to play a simple videogame with a joy...

2022-04-22   Intermediate
The Telephone Gambit


Steve: Hi Seth! How are you today? Shulman: Good, thanks! How are you Steve? Steve: Pretty good. Good to talk to you. So, The Telephone Gambit, chasing Alexander Graham Bell's secret. You know, as w...

2022-04-20   Intermediate
Are There Microbial Aliens On Earth


Steve: Dr. Davies, great to talk to you today. Davies: Hi Steve! Steve: This is a fascinating kind of thought experiment at this point; actually it's more than a thought experiment, but let's talk a...

2022-04-18   Intermediate
A Grand Plan for Solar Energy


Steve: This article goes in a whole different direction and says: "No, it is possible, given the will." Fischetti: Right! I think those articles in the past have sort of taken a look at the country a...

2022-04-16   Intermediate
What's In A Latin Name - The Legacy of Linnaeus


(Excerpts from E. O. Wilson's talk) I wanted to call attention through a delightful song that's been composed locally and the copy of that was given to me by Karen Bloom, who teaches elementary schoo...

2022-04-14   Intermediate
Two Winning Projects And A Nobel Laureate


Steve: Hi Janelle, congratulations! Janelle: Thank you, hello Steve. Steve: Talk about what you guys actually did? Janelle: Well, in our research, which is primarily organic chemistry, we synthesiz...

2022-04-12   Intermediate
Neuroscience and the Law


Steve: Dr. Gazzaniga, great to talk to you today. Gazzaniga: Hi Steve. Steve: Tell us about the connection between neuroscience and the law; it's something that we're all a little bit familiar with—...

2022-04-10   Intermediate
The Science of Cheese


Steve: Tell me about your background—you are a food scientist. Chen: Yes, I am a food scientist; I have a bachelor's degree from the University of Wisconsin–Madison and I've been with the Wisconsin C...

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