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2022-09-25   Video
Cone Snail Strikes a Fish


So let's look at what these guys will eat. If I could have the video, please. So this snail has its proboscis stuck out. That's the translucent yellow tube. And you can see, it stings...

2022-09-21   Video
The LUX Operon


So what you're seeing first, this is just DNA in the bacterial cell. And we've color-coded the genes. So that's the LUX operon. There's five genes in that operon. And somewhere else ...

2022-09-17   Video
Glowing Bacteria in a Flask


And so we grew up some Vibrio harveyi for you this morning. And all the lights are going to go out in the room, so don't worry. And I'm going to show you this bioluminescence, I hope, ...

2022-09-13   Video
Calcium Channel Blockers and Paralysis


So here is a fish and electrical signals are coming down the nerve, and this is how a fish swims. At the junction between nerves and muscles, the electrical signals have to get through th...

2022-09-09   Video
Cone Snail Toxins and Paralysis


What we're going to show you is the next animation, which illustrates how these different components are able to paralyze a fish. So here is the electrical signal coming down the nerve. ...

2022-09-05   Video
Reflex and Sensitization in a Sea Slug


So we're looking at an Aplysia stretched out. We're going to focus in on the gill and the siphon. We're going to apply an extremely weak stimulus so you can see the amplification with s...

2022-09-01   Video
Electrical Measurement of Muscle Activity


And so what I would like to do now is continue this developmental story. And don't be worried here. So what I'm going to try and do is really focus on this question of neuronal identit...

2022-08-28   Video
Prenatal Development of the Human Brain


So we're introducing ourselves into this process about one month after fertilization, when the entire embryo is smaller than the size of a dime. And we're going to look into the nervou...

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