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2023-06-06   Video
Selection for Tuskless Elephants


DOMINIQUE DEMILLE: Oh, they is coming. SPEAKER 1: For over 40 years, Joyce Poole has been studying elephant populations in Africa. She's one of the world's experts on elephant beh...

2023-05-17   Video
Coral Reef Damage in American Samoa


Coral reefs are one of the most spectacular ecosystems found in nature. Hosts to numerous biological communities, they are important havens of biodiversity. And a valuable food source ...

2023-05-09   Video
Misconceptions about Wildfires Are Fueling the Problem


In California the August complex fire has become the largest fire in state history. The creek fire in central California has burned at least 46 000 acres. 2020 was a terrible year for wildfires in ...

2023-05-03   Video
Liz Hadly Tracks the Impact of Climate Change in Yellowstone


MELISSA LEEBAERT: Yellowstone National Park, founded in 1872. It's considered to be the first national park in the world. SEAN CARROLL: There's really important lessons from Yellowstone, g...

2023-04-13   Video
Surveying Ant Diversity in Gorongosa National Park


SPEAKER 1: When we think of conservation we typically focus on the big animals. But we may be forgetting about some of the most important players in an ecosystem, like ants. These insec...

2023-04-09   Video
A Science-Based Approach to Restoring Gorongosa's Wildlife


SPEAKER 1: Prior to a devastating civil war, Gorongosa National Park was home to some of the biggest populations of wildlife in southern Africa. During the war, huge numbers of animals ...

2023-03-12   Video
Gorongosa's Water Cycle


Gorongosa National Park sits at the southern end of Africa's Great Rift Valley in Mozambique. The park includes landscapes of savanna, dry forest, and grasslands, centered around Lake Ure...

2023-03-08   Video
Surveying Gorongosa's Biodiversity


JEN GUYTON: Gorongosa National Park was established in 1960. It supported one of the densest wildlife populations in Africa. But when the civil war broke out in 1977, most of the big anim...

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