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2023-12-25   Video
What Would Happen If the Moon Fell to Earth


What if the Moon suddenly began getting closer to Earth? To the point where it was on a collision course with our planet? This is WHAT IF, and here's what would happen if the Moon fell t...

2023-12-23   Video
How To Terraform Venus


Leaving earth to find new homes in space is an old dream of humanity and will sooner or later be necessary for our survival. The planet that gets the most attention is Mars, a small, toxic and...

2023-12-21   Video
Finding the Lucy Fossil


[ Music ] So, we're in the airport in Hadars and we are about to board this little plane and fly over the Lucy site, home of the Australopithecus afarensis. With Don Johanson, one of ...

2023-12-19   Video
What Would Happen If You Fell Into a Black Hole


How much do you know about black holes? What would happen if you fell into one? Say one day you were exploring space looking for a new planet for humans to inhabit, but came across a black h...

2023-12-17   Video
The Dinosaurs Had Been Going On For Around 165 Million Years Alread


One of the greatest illusions in life is continuity. 66 million years ago, the continuity of the dinosaurs had been going on for around 165 million years already - and it didn’t seem thi...

2023-12-13   Video
What Would Happen If All the Continents Joined Together


Ever seen this map? This is how Earth looked like 200 million years ago, before Pangaea, the only supercontinent on the planet, came apart. What if one day the continents joined into one g...

2023-12-09   Video
What Are You Doing With Your Life


Wrapping your mind around your life is pretty hard, because you are up to your neck in it. It's like trying to understand the ocean while learning how to swim. On most days you are busy just k...

2023-12-07   Video
What Would Happen If We Drained the Oceans


What if we found the way to drain all the Earth's oceans through some mysterious portal at the bottom of the Mariana Trench? This is WHAT IF, and here's what would happen if we drained a...

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