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2024-08-19   Video
Buy Now, Pay Later Apps vs. Credit Cards


- [Narrator] If you want to buy this pair of Adidas, you can use your credit card or a buy now, pay later service. The result seems similar. You don't pay upfront, but with BNPL, you c...

2024-08-17   Video
What Would Happen If the Earth Was Hollow


What Earth do you live on? A round one? Flat one? What about a hollow Earth? Just a planet's shell levitating around absolutely nothing. How would the laws of physics work on that holl...

2024-08-15   Video
Why the Ultra-Rich Want Extreme Travel


- [Narrator] Three years ago, luxury travel agent, Roman Chiporukha, couldn't sell his clients on a big opportunity, a chance to visit the International Space Station. - I literally talk...

2024-08-13   Video
What Would Happen If We Used the Full Capacity of Our Brains


You can do anything! Paint a masterpiece in a minute, learn every language in an hour, build a multi-billion dollar company overnight, and rule the world by tomorrow! So, what’s holdin...

2024-08-11   Video
What Would Happen If We Had Working Warp Drive Technology


If you could travel faster than the speed of light, where would you go? Mars? The nearest star system or to distant stars in far galaxies? Does faster-than-light travel have its limits? This is WHA...

2024-08-09   Video
Why This Is the No. 1 iPhone Battery Killer


- Maybe you've seen this warning lately. It's not good, especially for your phone's battery. And... But how hot is too hot? Action. There was only one way to find out. Put some phon...

2024-08-07   Video
What Would Happen If the Gulf Stream Current Stopped


Our planet has seen this before. Its ice has already melted. Water levels have risen. Ocean currents have already stopped. Now, everything is coming full-circle. And we should be concer...

2024-08-05   Video
Superconductor Breakthroughs - Why Investors Are So Interested in Them


- [Narrator] Widespread floating trains. Nuclear fusion. Marty McFly's hoverboard. - He's on a hoverboard. - [Narrator] It sounds like the future but many scientists say these types ...

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