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2023-03-28   Video
Analyzing Patterns in the Savanna Landscape


SPEAKER: From zebra stripes, to cracked mud, to honeycombs, patterns abound in nature. Are these patterns just pleasing to the eye or do they reveal something about biological processes? ...

2023-03-26   Video
Decoded - How Do Vaccines Actually Work


Vaccines are medicines that train the body to defend itself against future disease. Unlike other drugs, which we give to some people when they’re sick, we give vaccines to huge numbers of people wh...

2023-03-24   Video
Niche Partitioning and Species Coexistence


NARRATOR: African savannas are famous for their diversity of large mammals. But how do so many similar species coexist in the same place? Princeton University biologist Rob Pringle i...

2023-03-22   Video
The Deadliest Being on Planet Earth – The Bacteriophage


A war has been raging for billions of years, killing trillions every single day, while we don't even notice. The war is fought by the single deadliest entity on our planet: the bacteriophage ...

2023-03-20   Video
How Termites Enrich Ecosystems


So termites build these huge, huge mounds. And inside the mound, there's a great deal of activity that's going on. So termites go out. They forage for plant material, which they find in actual...

2023-03-18   Video
Decoded - What Is a Virus


Viruses are tiny infectious agents that dominate much of the microscopic world. They’re incredibly abundant. There are more viruses in a single drop of seawater than there are people living in New ...

2023-03-16   Video
The Origin of Flight - What Use Is Half a Wing


KEN DIAL: The evolution of flight in birds has long been a great scientific puzzle. Fossil evidence from the past 40 years has established that birds descended from theropods-- a linea...

2023-03-14   Video
The Black Hole Bomb and Black Hole Civilizations


Black holes are the largest collections of pure violent energy in the universe. If you come too close, they'll devour you and add your energy to their collection. And so, the energy is lost to u...

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