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2023-09-04   Video
The Past We Can Never Return To


Today we're doing something different. Our friend John Green will read a story from his podcast, "The Anthropocene Reviewed". We hope you enjoy it and we'll be back with a regular video, Soon...

2023-09-02   Video
Photosynthesis- Part 6- Calvin Cycle


The Calvin cycle takes place in the chloroplast’s stroma, the watery clear fluid surrounding the thylakoids. It’s helpful to think of the Calvin cycle in three phases: fixation, reduction,...

2023-08-31   Video
An Antidote to Dissatisfaction


Everybody is familiar with the feeling that things are not as they should be. That you're not successful enough, your relationship's not satisfying enough, that you don't have the things y...

2023-08-29   Video
Photosynthesis- Part 5- Light Reactions


The thylakoid membranes contain specialized molecules that work together to perform the light reactions. Light is absorbed by protein-pigment complexes called photosystems. There are tw...

2023-08-27   Video
Mapping the Darién Gap


SPEAKER 1: Among endangered tropical forests, this one is unique. This forest sits in the middle of the longest road on Earth, the Pan-American Highway, which runs from the tip of Alaska ...

2023-08-25   Video
Photosynthesis- Part 4- Chloroplasts


Lets take a closer look at a chloroplast, the organelle where photosynthesis takes place. Photosynthesis consists of two sets of chemical reactions: the light reactions and the Calvin cyc...

2023-08-23   Video
1,000km Cable to the Stars - The Skyhook


Getting to space is hard. Right now, it’s like going up on a mountain on a unicycle- with a backpack full of explosives. Incredibly slow, you can’t transport a lot of stuff, and you might die...

2023-08-21   Video
Photosynthesis- Part 3- Leaf Structure


We are going to zoom in on a cross section of a leaf to have a closer look at the center of action for photosynthesis. A leaf has many different types of cells, such as mesophyll cells,...

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