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2024-01-25   British English
OPEC Grapples with a Precariously Balanced Oil Market, Part One


Finance and economics. Oil. A slippery patch. OPEC grapples with a precariously balanced oil market. Oil and philosophy rarely mix. But when David Fyfe of Argus Media, a publisher, calls produc...

财经 石油 一个不牢靠的领域 欧佩克(石油输出国组织)努力扭转失衡的石油市场 石油和哲学很少能混为一谈。但当阿格斯传媒的出版商David Fyfe称石油输出国组织(OPEC)及其盟友设定的产量配额是“柏拉图式的理想”——与其说是...

2024-01-23   British English
App Store Fees - Store Wars


Business. App store fees - Store wars. Laws and litigation threaten a big source of Apple's and Google's profits. What does it take to rein in two of the biggest companies on the planet? A coa...

商业 应用商店抽成——商店大战 法规和诉讼威胁着苹果和谷歌的一大利润来源 如何才能约束世界上最大的两家公司? 一个由瑞典音乐流媒体、韩国政客和荷兰约会应用软件组成的联盟,表面上来看是这样的。他们似乎在美国联邦政府失败的地方...

2024-01-21   British English
Loafing can be Work, Part Two


Albert Einstein’s breakthrough moments often came via thought experiments in which he let his imagination drift. What would it be like to travel as fast as a light beam? What happens if double l...

阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的突破性时刻往往来自于他的思想实验,实验中他任自己的想象力漫游。像光一样快地运动会是什么样子?如果从不同的角度观察到两次闪电会怎样?诚然,爱因斯坦是一个相当高的门槛,但开小差也能帮到普通人。 2021年发表的一项研究...

2024-01-19   British English
Loafing can be Work, Part One


Business. Bartleby - Loafing can be work. Daydreaming, promenading and zoning out all pay rich dividends. The familiar exerts a powerful subliminal appeal. The "name-letter effect" refers to th...

商业 巴托比——游手好闲也可以是在工作 做白日梦、散步和开小差都能带来丰厚的回报 熟悉的事物会产生一种强大的潜意识吸引力。“姓名的字母效应”指的是人们在潜意识中对自己姓名中的字母,尤其是首字母,存在的偏向。他们更有可能选择以自己...

2024-01-17   British English
Streaming Giants Get more Serious About Children's Shows


Business. Entertainment -- No child's play. Streaming giants get more serious about children's shows. The pandemic has been tough for parents of young children. With schools shut, many had to ke...

商业 娱乐——并非儿戏 流媒体巨头们更加认真地对待对儿童节目 这场疫情对家中有小孩的父母来说一直很艰难。由于学校停课,许多家长不得不一边照看孩子,一边忙着做家务和远程工作。 好莱坞伸出援手。数据公司Parrot Analy...

2024-01-15   British English
Labour vs Capital - The Battle of the Markups, Part Two


The second group consists of most other rich countries outside America. There, neither labour nor capital seems able to triumph. After correcting for pandemic-related distortions Japan’s pay growth ap...


2024-01-13   British English
Labour vs Capital - The Battle of the Markups, Part One


Finance and Economics. Labour vs capital. The battle of the markups. Companies are raising prices; workers are demanding higher wages. Who is winning? “A good compromise”, the saying goes, “is w...

财经 劳动力与资本 抬价之战 企业在抬高物价;工人在要求涨薪。究竟谁会是赢家? 正如那句谚语所说,“良好的妥协会令双方都不满意”。疫情封锁后的经济中处处都是不满。百姓认为哄抬物价的企业抬高了价格,导致富裕国家的通货膨胀率同比达到...

2024-01-11   British English
Gold Demand in India, Part Two


This insatiable appetite is a worry for policymakers. Vast gold imports can destabilise the economy. During the 2013 “taper tantrum”, when India’s foreign-exchange reserves were lower than they are...

这种对黄金的贪婪欲望让决策者感到担忧。大量进口黄金会破坏经济稳定。在2013年的“缩减恐慌”期间,当印度的外汇储备低于现在的水平时,一股黄金进口热潮将经常项目赤字推高至GDP的4.8%,并引发了对货币危机的担忧。 用来存储闲置黄金的储...

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