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2021-12-04   British English
A Water Filter that Kills Bacteria


Science and Technology 【Clean water 】 Silver threads of life 【A water filter that kills bacteria, rather than just removing them 】 MORE than a billion people lack clean water-and in most cases t...

科技 清洁水源 生命的银丝带 新滤水器能够消灭细菌,而不单单是排除细菌 超过十亿人口缺少饮用水,并且在绝大多数情况下缺少的只是纯净的水,而不是水本身。其结果是给人们带来了疾病,特别是每年夺取数百万儿童性命并使更多的儿...

2021-12-02   British English
How Linguistic Software Helps Companies Catch Crooks


Business.Corporate fraud.Mind your language.How linguistic software helps companies catch crooks.IN THE film "Superman 3", a lowly computer programmer (played by Richard Pryor, pictured) embezzles a f...

商业 公司欺诈行为 谨言慎行 语言识别软件帮助公司擒获不法之徒 在电影《超人3》中,一位地位低的电脑程序员(理查德·普莱尔饰演.如图)盗走雇主一大笔钱。老板悲伤至极,哀嚎着抓住窃贼可不容易,因为"窃贼可不会显露自己的踪迹,除非他...

2021-11-30   British English
How to Detect Alzheimer's Before Symptoms Appear


Science and Technology 【Diagnosing dementia】 Advance warning 【How to detect Alzheimer's before symptoms appear-if you are a woman】 ALZHEIMER'S disease has no cure. There are, however, five drug...

科技 痴呆症的诊断 病情恶化预警 作为一名女性,如何在症状出现前诊断阿尔茨海默氏症 阿尔茨海默氏症目前尚无法治愈。然而,有五种已知并获批准的药物能减缓其症状的恶化。这些药物越早使用,效果越佳。遗憾的是,该疾病一般在病...

2021-11-28   British English
Charities Help Big Pharma


Business 【Drug research】 All together now 【Charities help Big Pharma】 IT WAS once only drug firms that developed drugs. But this is changing. Take the case of the Michael J. Fox Foundation, a Park...

商业 药品研究 大家齐心协力 慈善机构协助大型制药公司 过去只有制药公司才开发药品,但这种情况正在改变。就拿Michael J. Fox基金会,一个帕金森病的慈善机构来说。此机构在4月19号宣布他们将为赛诺菲(San...

2021-11-26   British English
Stephen Schneider, Climate Scientist


Obituary; Steve Schneider; Stephen Schneider, climate scientist, died on July 19th, aged 65. “Mark twain had it backwards,” Steve Schneider joked, in a lecture he gave to the American Association fo...

讣闻;史蒂夫·施奈德; 气象学家史蒂夫·施奈德,于2010年7月19日去世,享年65岁。 1972年,史蒂夫施奈德在美国科学促进会(AAAS)演讲时开玩笑地说“马克吐温把话说反了!”“而今,每个人时时都影响着气候,但没有人时时都...

2021-11-24   British English
The Climate May not be as Sensitive to Carbon Dioxide


Science and Technolgy 【Climate change】 Good news at last? 【The climate may not be as sensitive to carbon dioxide as previously believed】 CLIMATE science is famously complicated, but one useful num...

科技 气候变化 最终难道是个好消息? 气候对二氧化碳的敏感性,可能没有原来认识的那样强 气候科学的复杂是出了名的,但"气候敏感度"是已知的一个非常实用、必须被谨记的指标。这一指标用于衡量由于大气中二氧化碳的浓度增长一...

2021-11-22   British English
Dewey & LeBoeuf


【Business】 Dewey & LeBoeuf 【With a bang, not a whimper】 When a law firm gets into trouble, it can be hard to recover THE chief benefit of the merger of Dewey Ballantine and LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene &...

商业 杜威路博国际律师事务所 砰然毁灭,而不是轻轻消亡 律师事务所,一旦陷入困境就难以摆脱 2007年,杜威律师事务所与路博律师事务所合并,带来的主要好处大概是新的律师事务所有了一个更简洁的名字——杜威.路博律师事务...

2021-11-20   British English
Trademark Bullying


Business.Trademark bullying.Shut your kale-hole.What's in a name, anyway? CHICK-FIL-A sells an average of nine sandwiches per second at its roughly 1,600 restaurants. Bo Muller-Moore paints T-shir...

商业 商标欺诈 闭嘴 无论如何,商标中能有什么呢? 托莱多的约1600家餐厅每秒平均卖出9个三明治。家在蒙彼利埃(美国佛蒙特州首府)的Bo Muller-Moore在其车库里染印T恤衫。托莱多2001年的销售额超过40亿美元;而...

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