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2024-02-20   British English
Why is the Jobs Recovery so Fast, Part One


Why is the jobs recovery so fast? One reason is the nature of the shock that hit the economy in 2020. History shows that financial crunches—tight monetary policy, banking disasters and so on—cause pro...

为何就业复苏如此之快? 原因之一是2020年对经济造成冲击的事件本身的性质。历史表明,金融紧缩——紧缩的货币政策,银行灾难等等——会对经济造成长期的痛苦。 但是,经济通常会从“真实的”破坏中迅速恢复,比如自然灾害、战争,再比如今天讨论...

2024-02-16   British English
A Struggle over Philip Guston's Paintings Ends in Triumph, Part Two


As for the later hoods themselves: Guston delighted in telling stories with them, and in the expressions he could conjure in their almost blank visages. At bottom, though, they were -- and are -- a...

至于后来画的那些兜帽人:加斯顿喜欢跟他们讲故事,喜欢从他们几乎空白的脸上想象出他们的表情。不过从根本上说,他们过去是——现在也是——一种耻辱。他们的平凡是可怕的,被一些日常的小摆设所围绕,偶尔吸烟或坐在四四方方的汽车里。 在《画室》中...

2024-02-12   British English
A Struggle over Philip Guston's Paintings Ends in Triumph, Part One


Culture. Back Story - Art of controversy. A struggle over Philip Guston's paintings and artistic freedom ends in triumph. "Probably the only thing one can really learn", Philip Guston eventually ...

文化 幕后故事 - 引发争议的艺术 围绕菲利普·加斯顿的画作和艺术自由的斗争以胜利告终 “或许一个人真正能学到的只有一件事,那就是能够改变的能力。” 菲利普·加斯顿最终总结道。这位现代艺术家的命运,用他自己的话来说,是“持续不断...

2024-02-08   British English
The Nationwide Marmite Shortage


Middle East and Africa. South Africa. Marmageddon. There is no end in sight for the nationwide Marmite shortage. "I am distraught because I am about to finish my last jar,” says Irine Mboweni, a...

中东和非洲 南非 马麦酱告急 全国范围内的马麦酱短缺还没有结束的迹象 约翰内斯堡居民、两个孩子的母亲艾琳·姆博韦尼说:“我心烦意乱,因为我马上就要吃完最后一罐了。”“货架上没有马麦酱,我不知道该怎么办。” 和世界上发生的许...

2024-02-04   British English
Okinawa's Distillers are Trying to Posh up the Local Firewater


Asia. Japanese booze. Awamori? Go on then. Okinawa's distillers are trying to posh up the local firewater. The Eyes water as your correspondent enters Sakimoto Distillery. Large vats of rice ...

亚洲 日本酒 泡盛酒?继续吧 冲绳的酿酒厂正在努力改造当地的烈酒 记者进入坂本酒厂时,眼睛湿润了。一大桶大米在明火上冒着气泡,空气中充满了酒味儿。这种溶液将被蒸馏成泡盛酒,一种原产于冲绳群岛(冲绳是日本最南部和西部的县)的...

2024-01-31   British English
Remote Work and the Writing, Part Two


When new employees start work on something, they want the back story. When veterans depart an organisation, they should leave knowledge behind. Writing everything down sounds like an almighty pa...

当新接手的员工开始做某项工作时,他们需要知道之前的进展。当老员工离开组织时,他们应该将自己所了解的信息留下。 把所有的东西都写下来听起来像是一种巨大的痛苦。但在对上次会议做出的决定一无所知的情况下出席会议时也同样痛苦。 软件开发...

2024-01-29   British English
Remote Work and the Writing, Part One


Business. Bartleby - Of remote work and the writing. The written word will flourish in the post-pandemic workplace. The pandemic has given a big shove to all forms of digital communication. Vi...

商业 巴托比专栏——关于远程工作与写作 书面文字将在疫情后的职场蓬勃发展 疫情极大地推动了各种形式的数字通信。 视频会议平台已成为动词。风投资本家在观看虚拟推介后押下赌注。像Loom和mmhmm这样的产品可以帮助员工将预先...

2024-01-27   British English
OPEC Grapples with a Precariously Balanced Oil Market, Part Two


Damien Courvalin of Goldman Sachs, a bank, says consumers switching to oil from gas (prices for which have been sky-high in Europe) may have boosted demand by up to 1m bpd, leading to "critically low ...

高盛银行的达米安·考瓦兰说,消费者从天然气转向石油(在欧洲,天然气的价格一直很高)可能会使需求每天增加高达100万桶,导致“极低的库存水平”。 供应也很紧张。数据公司标普全球普氏能源资讯的保罗谢尔登估计,全球闲置产能仅为每日260万桶...

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