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2024-03-09   British English
How Inflation and Rising Interest Rates Might Affect Italy’s Finances


Finance and economics. Italy’s debt: Whenever it breaks. How inflation and rising interest rates might affect Italy’s finances. Before the pandemic it was a cause for excitement among economists ...

财经 意大利的债务:无论何时爆发 通胀和利率上升可能会如何影响意大利的财政 政府为其债务支付的实际利率已降至大多数富裕国家的经济增长率以下,使得政府支出更自由,并减少对债务积欠的担忧,在疫情暴发前,这曾是令经济学家感到兴奋的...

2024-03-07   British English
Golden Goldin, Why Women Won, Two


Between 1967 and 1979 the share of 20- and 21-year-old women who expected to be employed at 35 jumped from 35% to 80%. Expectations also matter for employers. Although the pay gap narrowed in the ...

1967至1979年间,20至21岁的女性中,预期35岁就业的女性比例从35%跃升至80%。心理预期对雇主来说也很重要。尽管工资差距在20世纪初缩小了,但由歧视而不是工作类型造成的工资差距有所扩大。 戈尔丁表示,一个重要因素是什么决定...

2024-03-05   British English
Golden Goldin, Why Women Won, Part One


Finance and economics. Golden Goldin. A Nobel for an economist who has overturned assumptions about gender equality. On the morning of October 9th, the National Bureau of Economic Research circul...

财经 金牌戈尔丁 一位颠覆了关于性别平等假设的经济学家获得了诺贝尔奖。 10月9日上午,美国国家经济研究局向世界各地的经济学家分发了一份题为《女性为何获胜》的工作论文。在这篇论文中,哈佛大学的克劳迪娅·戈尔丁记录了女性如何在美国...

2024-03-03   British English
American Inflation - On the up and up, Part Two


America is hardly alone in struggling with high prices. Inflation in the euro area is expected to have risen to 8.6% in June. But the details are different. Europe’s problems are more closely...


2024-03-01   British English
American Inflation - On the up and up, Part One


Finance and economics. American inflation: On the up and up. Inflation in America tops forecasts yet again, adding to recession risks. At this point upside surprises in inflation occur with such ...

财经 美国通货膨胀:一升再升 美国通货膨胀再次超过预期,导致经济衰退风险上升 此时此刻,通胀的上行惊喜出现的频率如此之高,以至于用“惊喜”来形容它们可能不太合适。7月13日公布的美国6月份消费者价格指数(CPI)也是如此。该指数...

2024-02-28   British English
Why is the Jobs Recovery so Fast, Part Four


Productivity growth of 2% a year is not unachievable, but it would be a lot stronger than it was before the pandemic. Although productivity growth does seem faster than normal, our analysis of data...


2024-02-26   British English
Why is the Jobs Recovery so Fast, Part Three


On average, however, labour markets across the rich world are clearly getting tighter. America’s is plainly overheating. In March average hourly earnings were 5.6% higher than a year earlier, on th...

然而,平均而言,发达国家的劳动力市场显然正变得越来越紧张。美国的经济明显过热。根据总体指标,3月份的平均时薪比去年同期增长了5.6%。另一项指标显示,收入最低的人群的工资涨幅更大。 高盛银行推出了一项工资跟踪指标,修正了与疫情相关的各...

2024-02-24   British English
Why is the Jobs Recovery so Fast, Part Two


But many other companies are promising similar things, whether by offering employees better in-office benefits (such as tastier cafeteria food) or better compensation packages (free college tuition). ...

但现在,许多其他公司也做出了类似的承诺,无论是为员工提供更好的办公室福利(比如更美味的餐厅食物),还是更好的薪酬方案(免大学学费)。 数据提供商PitchBook的数据显示,2021年,风险投资者向全球人力资源科技初创公司投入了逾12...

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