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2022-12-19   British English
Transatlantic Espionage


Transatlantic espionage. The lives of others. European governments should not kick up a fuss about American spying. They have too much to lose. NOBODY likes to be spied on, especially by their al...

横跨大西洋的谍战 窃听风暴 欧洲国家政府不应为了“棱镜”门而大吵大闹。因为他们将损失惨重 没人喜欢被监控,更不要说被自己的盟友监控了。所以,当欧洲国家发现,美国人在对他们实施监控、还是在自己的地盘上时,会火冒三丈就不足为奇了。美国不...

2022-12-17   British English


Books and Arts; Book Review; New fiction; Rings of truth. Gold. By Chris Cleave. Novels about sport are notoriously hard to pull off. It seems somewhat odd for a literary mind to care how often a...

文艺 书评 新小说 真实的故事 《赤子之心》 克瑞斯·克里夫着 写一部关于体育运动的小说,显然是有难度的。让文学去关注一粒球怎样入网,冲刺终点需要多长时间,看起来多少有点奇怪。然而,事实也不尽然。古典文学所追求的叙述方式往...

2022-12-15   British English
Obamacare Hit Trouble in the States


United States. Health reform. Mississippi spurning. Obamacare hits trouble in the states. BARACK OBAMA’S health reform was supposed to bring universal health coverage to America on January 1st,...

美国 医疗改革 密西西比吐槽不断 奥巴马的医保改革在美国麻烦不小 奥巴马的医疗改革原本预计从2014年1月1日开始实施,大范围的美国人将享受医保待遇,但事实上事与愿违。为什么?让我们以密西西比州为例一探究竟。 泰瑞·布朗,是一...

2022-12-13   British English
India's Flag Carrier was in Big Trouble


Business. Air India. Flying low. India's flag carrier is in big trouble. WELL-TO-DO Indian graduates used to line up to join Air India. The national carrier was founded in 1932 and nicknamed the...

商业 印度航空业 在低迷中飞行 印度国家航空公司有大麻烦了 印度的优秀毕业生曾经排着队要加入印度航空公司。这一国家航空公司成立于1932年,外号"大君 "。根据一位前任主管回忆,上世纪70年代,新加坡和马来西亚在创立自己国家的航...

2022-12-11   British English
Pius Mau Piailug - Ⅱ


Nonetheless, the old ways were changing fast. After Mau, at 18, was made a palu or initiated navigator, hung with garlands and showered with yellow turmeric to show the knowledge he had gained, no oth...


2022-12-09   British English
Pius Mau Piailug - Ⅰ


In the spring of 1976 Mau Piailug offered to sail a boat from Hawaii to Tahiti. The expedition, covering 2,500 miles, was organised by the Polynesian Voyaging Society to see if ancient seafarers could...


2022-12-07   British English
Flipping roaches


Science and technology. Insect acrobatics. Flipping roaches. How cockroaches vanish. ANYONE who has tried to swat a cockroach will know those insects' strange ability, in the heat of pursuit, to...

科技 昆虫的绝活 非常蟑螂 蟑螂是怎么消失不见的? 只要打过蟑螂的都知道它们特殊的本领——往往在追赶最激烈的时候突然消失不见了。加州大学伯克利分校的罗伯特·富尔和他的同事现在已明白它们是怎么做到的,并用一个微型机器人模拟了这个过...

2022-12-05   British English
Turning Old Tyres into New Roads


Science and technology. Quieter traffic. When the rubber hits the road. Turning old tyres into new roads can help cut noise pollution. AROUND one heart attack in 50 in rich European countries is...

科技 更安静的交通 当橡胶遇上公路 把旧轮胎建成新式道路可以减少噪音污染 据世界卫生组织报道,在欧洲发达国家中,平均每50个人就会有一个由于持续暴露在交通噪音中而患上心脏病。世卫组织还说,在这些国家,噪音污染产生的不良反应...

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