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2023-02-25   British English
Animal Cognition – Dogs Show Empathy Towards Humans


Science and technology. Animal cognition. Man's best friend. Can dogs really show empathy towards humans? Dogs quickly become part of the family. Tales abound of dogs celebrating joy in a househ...

科技 动物的认知 人类的挚友 狗真的能感受人类的情绪吗? 狗很快成了人类家庭中的一员,它们庆祝家庭喜事,怜悯悲剧的发生,这种故事屡见不鲜。在人类与狗共同进化了一万五千年之后,这点或许并不稀奇。但有没有确凿的证据能够证...

2023-02-23   British English
Two Books Probe the Limits of Capitalism -Ⅱ


Capitalism, they note, has “made possible vast improvements in material conditions”, but it also fuels human insatiability. One way it does this is by “increasingly ‘monetising' the economy”. Monetisa...


2023-02-21   British English
Two Books Probe the Limits of Capitalism -Ⅰ


Books and Arts; Book Review; Money and the markets. Insatiable longing. Two new books probe the limits of capitalism. How Much Is Enough? Money and the Good Life. By Robert Skidelsky and Edward Ski...

文艺;书评;货币与市场 永无止境的欲望 两本新书带领我们探索资本主义的底线 《多少钱才算够?钱财与好生活》 罗伯特·斯基德尔斯基与爱德华·斯基德尔斯基着 《钱财所不能买:市场的道德底线》 迈克尔·桑德尔着 西方...

2023-02-19   British English
Bringing Home the Bacon -Ⅱ


A tradition of public-private partnerships, which began with farmers forming co-operatives to improve production and marketing in the late 19th century, continues to flourish. An Agro Food Park nea...


2023-02-17   British English
Bringing Home the Bacon -Ⅰ


Business. Schumpeter. Bringing home the bacon. Tiny Denmark is an agricultural superpower. Every weekday 20,000 pigs are delivered to the Danish Crown company's slaughterhouse in Horsens, in cen...

商业报道 熊彼特 将培根带回家 小国丹麦是农业超级霸主 在每一个工作日里,2万只猪将被送入丹麦科王公司位于丹麦中部的霍尔森斯的屠宰场中。他们受到持着巨型苍蝇拍的工人们驱赶,快步地跑进那令人震撼无比的房间中去。在那儿,他们被倒挂起...

2023-02-15   British English
South Korea’s Education System


South Korea’s education system. The great decompression. There are perils for a country in having all your children working too hard for one big exam. Few countries have done better than South Ko...

韩国的教育体制 大减压 对一个国家来说,让所有孩子都为一场大型考试而筋疲力尽是很危险的 在过去的半个世纪,几乎没有国家表现得比韩国更好。在仅仅一代工作人口的时间跨度里,韩国经济增长了17倍。韩国政府也从严厉的独裁政权进化成了热闹...

2023-02-13   British English
Multicultural London English


Britain. Linguistics. Argot bargy. Why urban teenagers speak the way they do? In her novel “White Teeth”, published in 2000, Zadie Smith noted that in London, “all kids, whatever their nationali...

英国 语言学 方言来袭 城里的年轻人为什么那样说话 扎迪史密斯在2000年发表过一部小说,名字叫《白牙》,在书中,她提到在伦敦,所有的孩子,不管他们来自哪里,似乎用牙买加口音表达自己的鄙视。从那时起,语言学研究者逐渐明白了如何以...

2023-02-09   British English
A Memoir of Art, Race and Defiance


Books and Arts; Book Review; Harry Belafonte's autobiography; Twentieth-century lion; My Song: A Memoir of Art, Race and Defiance. By Harry Belafonte; It all began with a set of Venetian blinds. ...

文艺 书评 哈利·贝拉方特自传 上世纪的名流 《我的歌:追忆艺术,种族与反抗》哈利·贝拉方特着 这一切要从一套百叶窗帘说起。故事发生在1946年的曼哈顿,有对夫妇想在家里安装一套百叶窗帘,于是便叫来一位公寓清洁工,作为报酬...

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