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2023-03-29   British English
Moderate Minimum Wages -Ⅰ


Minimum wages. The logical floor. Moderate minimum wages do more good than harm. They should be set by technocrats not politicians. On both sides of the Atlantic politicians are warming to the id...

最低工资标准 多少才合理 实施适度的最低工资标准利大于弊,但是它们应该由技术专家而不是领导层来设定。 欧美各国领导人逐渐开始赞同提高工资水平可以帮助贫困人群这一观点。贝拉克·奥巴马[前总统]打算将联邦最低工资标准提高40%,时薪...

2023-03-27   British English
Twentieth-century Lion


Books and Arts; Book Review; Harry Belafonte's autobiography. Twentieth-century lion. My Song: A Memoir of Art, Race and Defiance. By Harry Belafonte. It all began with a set of Venetian b...

文艺;书评; 哈里·贝拉芬特式自传 20世纪雄狮 《吾之歌:艺术、种族、反抗回忆录》作者:哈里·贝拉芬特 故事还要从一扇百叶窗说起。1946年有一对夫妻住在曼哈顿一栋公寓楼里,公寓看门人,一个有着牙买加血统的纽约小伙...

2023-03-25   British English
A Billion Shades of Grey -Ⅱ


At the other end of the social scale, however, things look grim. Manual work gets harder as people get older, and public pensions look more attractive to those on low wages and the unemployed. In the ...


2023-03-23   British English
A Billion Shades of Grey -Ⅰ


A billion shades of grey. An ageing economy will be a slower and more unequal one—unless policy starts changing now. Warren Buffett, who on May 3rd hosts the folksy extravaganza that is Berkshir...

十亿银发族 一个老龄化的经济体会发展地越来越缓慢,且社会不平等加剧—除非现在就开始政策改革 沃伦·巴菲特,这个美国资本主义的象征式人物,将于5月3号主持伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司一年一度的股东大会。83岁高龄的他也正代表了当前人口发展...

2023-03-21   British English
Kick-starting India -Ⅱ


Second, a destabilising cycle of stagflation must be broken. High public borrowing has fuelled inflation, which stands at 9%. To protect their savings, households have bought gold from abroad, blowing...


2023-03-19   British English
Kick-starting India -Ⅰ


A new government will be formed in the coming days. Exit polls point to the Bharatiya Janata Party swooping back to power after a decade in opposition. Narendra Modi, its leader, is set to be prime mi...


2023-03-17   British English
Consumer Goods in India -Ⅱ


Godrej is pushing even deeper into the hinterland, trying to reach villages with as few as 5,000 people. It is also designing washing machines with manual motors and tiny fridges for homes with unreli...

戈德尔正努力将生意扩展到那些只有5000人小村子的穷乡僻壤去。同时,它还为那些居住在电力不稳定地区的家庭设计了手动驱动的洗衣机以及微型电冰箱。 诸如三星、松下等外国企业也紧随其后。三星印度地区家用电器负责人麦海士·克里斯南希望在11月...

2023-03-15   British English
Consumer Goods in India -Ⅰ


Business. Consumer goods in India. Seducing shoppers in Sticks Ville. India's small towns are the next frontier. GROWTH in India is slowing. The economy expanded at an annualised rate of 5.3% be...

商业 印度的日用消费品 吸引小城市消费者 下一个前沿阵地:印度的小城市 印度的经济增长正在放缓。在一月到三月间,经济年均增长率为5.3%,是七年来的最低值。消费者越来越省吃俭用。管理层说,今年到三月间,耐用品的销量下降了1...

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