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2023-04-14   British English
Britain's Planning Laws -Ⅰ


Britain's planning laws. An Englishman's home. The shortage of housing is a gathering national crisis. Rev up the bulldozers. NOW that the economy is at last growing again, the burning issue in B...

英国规划法 英国人之家 英国住房匮乏,危机重重,应大兴土木! 既然英国最终恢复了经济增长,如今国民生活成本问题便成了燃眉之急。过去六年来,物价一直超过工资水平。 政治家们已适时地督促能源公司削减账单,辅以增加最低工资水平的...

2023-04-12   British English
Is There Money in Digital Radio


Business. Clear Channel and radio broadcasting. Come stream with me. Is there money in digital radio? FRANK SINATRA knew he was getting a raw deal. He could sing but he was not much of a songwri...

商业 清晰频道通信公司与无线电广播 跟我去发展流式音频吧 数字广播有钱可赚吗? 弗兰克·辛纳特拉知道自己受到的待遇不公正。他歌唱得好,但写歌不在行;因此,虽然他大约300首单曲中的大部分在美国广播电台播放,他却从来没拿到过一分钱...

2023-04-10   British English
Electric Power - Slow Burners


Business. Electric power. Slow burners. Cheap gas will boost makers of giant turbines. THE boom in shale-gas production in America, using "fracking" technology, is becoming a bust for some big d...

商业 电力 天然气发电业逐渐升温 廉价天然气将促进大型涡轮机生产厂家的发展 由于"水力压裂"技术的使用,美国的页岩气开采迅速发展,但这却使一些大型钻井公司破产。 8月3日,必和必拓公司宣布美国部分气田预估值将减少近30亿美元,这...

2023-04-08   British English
Medical Implants -Ⅱ


Dr Singhal has implanted prototype devices into live beetles. Fitted with a fuel cell about the size of a penny, the bionic bugs were able to generate over 20 microwatts (20 millionths of a watt) duri...

辛哈尔博士将设备原型移植进了甲虫活体。放入了一个一便士大小的能量池,这些甲虫在2周实验期内产生了20微瓦(一瓦特的百万分之二十)。 这只是一个起搏器所需能量的15分之一,但是辛哈尔博士认为人类体积大小的细胞量能够产生足够的能量。这里有...

2023-04-06   British English
Medical Implants -Ⅰ


Science and technology. Medical implants. A sweet idea. Researchers are trying to harness glucose-the body's own fuel-to power implantable gadgets such as pacemakers. LIKE any other electrical d...

科技 医用植入设备 一个甜美的想法 研究人员正试图利用葡萄糖-人体自身的燃料-作为像起搏器这样的可植入设备的能源 和其他所有的电子设备一样,一个起搏器同样需要能源。自从1958年第一个永久起搏器被植入后,可植入医疗设备的制造商就在不...

2023-04-04   British English
‘In the Corridors of Power’


Books and Arts; Book Review. British politics; Backroom boy. In the Corridors of Power: An Autobiography. By David Lipsey. Political memoirs generally do two things. The first is to set the recor...

文艺 书评 英国政治 幕后智者 《自传:在权力走廊》:作者大卫·利普西 政治回忆录通常起二个作用。其一:说明事实,以正视听;其二:对早年的失败或他人的成功进行解释,从而为自己的职业生涯进行辩护。在这部书中,大卫·利普西不惜笔墨说...

2023-04-02   British English
Cosmetic Treatment for Men


Business. Cosmetic treatment for men. Beauty and the beasts. More men are enduring jabs and cuts to look younger. IN GEORGES ROMAN'S clinic in London, women queue to see a cosmetic dermatologist...

商业 男士美容 美女和野兽 为了看上去年轻,越来越多的男士宁愿接受注射和整容 伦敦的乔治斯·罗曼的诊所外,女士们排着队来找这位在消除皱纹和眉间除皱方面着名的整容皮肤专家。啊呀,如今男士们也加入了进来。在过去的几年里,...

2023-03-31   British English
Moderate Minimum Wages -Ⅱ


High minimum wages, however, particularly in rigid labour markets, do appear to hit employment. France has the rich world's highest wage floor, at more than 60% of the median for adults and a far b...


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