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2023-05-16   British English
The War on Seagulls for the Britain Seaside Towns


Britain. The War on Seagulls: Fighting Them on the Beaches. Seaside towns are in a flat about belligerent birds. Savouring the moment before the first bite of a pasty on a beautiful sunny day, Pa...

英国 海鸥之战:海滩阻击战 海边小镇正对这种好战的鸟类严阵以待。 在一个阳光明媚的日子,一个名为帕梅拉的度假者来到康沃尔海岸,她凝视圣艾夫斯的波斯唯登沙滩,正尽情享受馅饼入口之前的这一刻。当她看到海鸥的时候为时已晚。海鸥没...

2023-05-14   British English
The Employment Rate for Britain Asian Muslim Women - Ⅱ


Government policy probably explains some of this. Since 2005 new migrants have had to pass basic language and citizenship tests to get permanent leave to remain in the Britain, which has forced many n...

政府的政策可能解释了一些原因。2005年以来,新的移民不能不通过基本的语言和国籍身份考核才能获得在英国的永久居住权,这迫使一些新的移民学习英语。免税额度(工作中丰厚的社会福利)鼓励不同种族的女性找工作,尤其是丈夫工资少的女性。 同样重...

2023-05-12   British English
The Employment Rate for Britain Asian Muslim Women - Ⅰ


Britain. Asian Muslim women. All about taking part. A hidden explanation for Britain’s surprising job numbers: Bangladeshi and Pakistani women are finally surging into the labour market. In an up...

英国 亚裔穆斯林女性 全面参与 对英国令人惊讶的就业数字的深层解读:孟加拉国和巴基斯坦的女性最终进入劳动力市场 位于伦敦东区加各妇女中心的一个楼上房间内,一个导师在白板前教单的英语词汇时6位带着彩色头巾的女性咧着嘴笑。这些...

2023-05-10   British English
Pet Waste, A Crap-shoot


United States. Pet waste. A crap-shoot. The city ponders a plan to make power from puppy poop. Dogs, unlike people, are capable of pure love—at least according to Freud. As ever more Americans ...

美国 宠物粪便 从粪便里发出的新芽 在宠物粪便中提取能源,该市构建了一幅蓝图 与人类不同,狗对主人的情感是纯洁无瑕的——至少弗洛伊德是这么说的。随着美国独居人数的增多,这种无条件的爱更是广受欢迎。数十年来,越来越多的人开始饲养宠...

2023-05-08   British English
Britain Mental Health - Ⅱ


Nearly a quarter of patients waited longer than four hours in accident and emergency (A&E) rooms in the first week of this year. One in five patients admitted for further treatment endured a long w...

将近四分之一的病人今年第一周在紧急意外室等候超过4小时。5个病人中就有一个接受进一步治疗的需要在医院的手推车或走廊上忍受一段很长时间的等待,而这是平常的速度的两倍。 由于在社区没有提供足够的心理治疗,最近的调查显示有心理疾病来急诊的数...

2023-05-06   British English
Britain Mental Health - Ⅰ


Britain. Mental Health: Out of the shadows. Mental illness is at last getting the attention, if not the money it needs. Mental health care has long been the poor relation of its physical counterp...

英国 心理疾病:走出阴影 即便不是急需的财政援助,心理疾病至少争取到了它所该有的关注。 心理健康医疗一直以来都和其相对应的生理健康医疗相比之下处于劣势。人们严重保持对心理疾病的羞耻态度。在英国,每六个成人里面就有一个已经被诊断出...

2023-05-04   British English
Inequality and Exercise Spin to Separate


United States: Inequality and exercise Spin to separate. Sweating on purpose is becoming an elite phenomenon. In a darkened room at the edge of downtown Washington, DC, electronic music pulses o...

美国 不平等与运动健身 分道扬镳 有意流汗成为精英现象 在华盛顿特区市中心的边缘,幽暗的房间里电子音乐冲击着扬声器,一大群汗流浃背的女孩随音乐起起伏伏地跳着。前面点着蜡烛,墙上挂着励志标语。可悲的是,它不是一场药物刺激下的狂欢,...

2023-05-02   British English
Tonga's Volcanic Eruption


Asia. Tonga's volcanic eruption. A kingdom cut off. The scale of the damage remains unclear. Word Came at last. Three days after Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano in the Kingdom of Tonga erupte...

亚洲 汤加火山喷发 被切断的王国 损失的规模尚不清楚 消息终于传来了。1月15日,汤加王国的洪阿汤加·洪阿哈阿帕伊火山爆发三天后,首相办公室发表了一份声明。这次火山爆发对该群岛来说是一场“前所未有的灾难”,已致3人死亡。 ...

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