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2023-06-01   British English
Inequality in an Elitist Education System of South Korea - Ⅰ


Asia. Inequality in South Korea. Degrees of disenchantment. Young people are losing faith in an elitist education system. “If you don't have the ability then blame your parents,” wrote Jung Yoo-r...

亚洲 韩国的不公平 觉醒的程度 韩国青年对精英教育失去信心 小柳女士在被一所知名大学录取后,2014年在社会媒体平台上这样写道:“你的无能都是因为你的父母”。原来,她的妈妈想方设法地让她进入了着名的梨花女子大学,并且让该大学为小...

2023-05-30   British English
Digital Ads are Popping up in Irritating Places


Business. Advertising on mobile phones. Attack of the covert commercials. Digital ads are popping up in irritating places. Everyone hates digital ads. Yet the ads pay for the free apps that peop...

商业 手机广告 广告的偷袭 数字广告总是防不胜防 没人喜欢数字广告,但为人们喜欢下载的那些免费软件买单的却是数字广告。狡猾的公司将广告植入在意料之外的地方已经不足为奇了。Lookout,一个移动设备安全性检验的公司,分析了谷歌安...

2023-05-28   British English
Securitisation is Back - Ⅱ


The principle that the party creating a new security needs to retain some exposure to the underlying credit should help ensure that underwriting standards do not get too slack. That will hamper the...

产生新的有价证券的一方必须保留能证明其潜在信用的相关文件这一条例应该能够确保保险业管理政策不至于太过松弛。这将会限制风险的直接转移,但是,鉴于之前的经验,防患于未然可能会比较明智。 由证券化引起的一些奇怪结构—例如将债务抵押债券投资到...

2023-05-26   British English
Securitisation is Back - Ⅰ


Securitisation. It's back. Once a cause of the financial world's problems, securitisation is now part of the solution. Given their role in the 2008 meltdown, and their subsequent branding as toxi...

证券化 重新启动 证券化曾经是导致金融危机的因素之一,如今却能帮助解决金融难题 鉴于2008年经济危机时所扮演的角色,以及随后被贴上的有毒污泥的标签,证券化金融产品这几年的表现并不出乎人的意料。然而抵押贷款、信用卡债务和其他一些...

2023-05-24   British English
Cheese-eating Surrender Monkeys - Ⅱ


L’Europe de la defence, as the French call the idea of an autonomous EU force, has an unhappy history. France killed the idea of a European army in 1954. Europeans’ reliance on America during the Balk...


2023-05-22   British English
Cheese-eating Surrender Monkeys - Ⅰ


Europe in a foreign field. The Europeans’ ability to deploy force abroad is falling, but Mali shows it is still needed. When young men go to war resentment turns against those shirking danger. In ...

海外欧洲军 欧洲的海外驻军不断减少 但马里冲突表明其仍需对外调兵 青年前赴沙场时,就无比憎恶逃兵。在伊拉克战争中,法国人被美国人贬为“投降派奶酪猴”。而本次对抗伊斯兰圣战教徒的马里军事介入中,法国又因缺乏盟友(尤其在欧洲)而使其...

2023-05-20   British English
Inheritance in Zimbabwe - Why Widows Get Evicted


Middle east and Africa. Inheritance in Zimbabwe. Why widows get evicted? The scourge of in-laws robbing the bereaved. Activist, firebrand and feminist are just a few of the terms used to describe ...

中东和非洲 津巴布韦的遗产 遗孀为何被驱逐 姻亲剥夺遗孀(财产)的根源 “活动家”、“煽动者”、“女权主义者”这些词只是津巴布韦共和国前反对党成员兼内阁大臣普里希拉·米西海拉布维·穆松加的一些头衔。没有人认为她是一个好说话的人。...

2023-05-18   British English
How South Korea Learnt to Love Baby Girls


International. Prizing Girls: Like Father, like daughter. How South Korea learnt to love baby girls. “I cried when I heard,” writes one blogger, recalling the moment she learned that her baby was...

国际 珍惜女儿:有其父必有其女 韩国是怎么学会爱女婴的 一个博主回忆当她知道她怀的是个男孩儿的时候,写道:“当我听到这个消息的时候我哭了”。这是苦涩的泪水。这个妈妈嫉妒那些刚刚生了女儿的母亲。 这并不是特例。现在韩国生育年...

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