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2023-06-17   British English
Britain's Floods - Ⅰ


Britain's floods. Canute Cameron. The [Former]prime minister's response to the floods has been patchy; but it is wrong to blame him for them. Biblical—that is how David Cameron described the floo...

洪水泛滥大不列颠 卡梅伦祸从口出 [前]首相治洪引发质疑,归咎于他有失公允 过去几周,英格兰南部洪灾泛滥,数千公顷农场一片汪洋,五千家庭流离失所,无奈之际首相卡梅伦称之为上帝的旨意。如今,洪灾区铁路中断,公共服务陷入混乱。...

2023-06-15   British English
East African Camels


Middle east and Africa. East African camels. Speedy and tasty. The camel trade is increasingly lucrative. “Allahu akbar!” the boys shout gleefully from atop their camels, the reins of others held ...

中东和非洲 东非骆驼 又快又有味儿 骆驼贸易越来越获益 “真主至大!”一群男孩坐在骆驼背上开心地喊着,高举的拳头里攥着其它骆驼的缰绳,背向夕阳而行。不远处,金属栅栏围起的赛道穿过薄饼般平坦的沙漠。这块大平地位于苏丹东部城市卡萨拉...

2023-06-13   British English
Law Firms - Charging more, Getting less - Ⅱ


Putting up prices at a time of weak demand and fierce competition seems perverse. Yet the industry has continued to increase its sticker prices by 2-3% every year—only to give back almost all the g...


2023-06-11   British English
Law Firms - Charging more, Getting less - Ⅰ


Business. Law firms. Charging more, getting less. Lawyers' biggest customers are discovering that they can haggle. There were groans in big companies' legal departments in the mid-2000s, when th...

商业 律师事务所 标价更高 收益更少 律师的最大客户们发现他们能与律师还价 当美国最高的律师酬金达到每小时1000美元,20世纪中期,一些大公司的法律部门里开始抱怨连连。自此以后,这样的价格在名企变得普遍。美国法律期刊刊登...

2023-06-09   British English
The Search for Life in Other Solar Systems - Ⅱ


Space telescopes are nothing new, of course, and several more are in the works. But existing plans to photograph extrasolar planets in this way involve orbiting arrays of reflecting telescopes all poi...


2023-06-07   British English
The Search for Life in Other Solar Systems - Ⅰ


Science and technology. The search for alien life. Twinkle, twinkle, little planet. An undervalued optical trick may help to find life in other solar systems. Most astronomical telescopes employ...

科技 寻找外星生物 闪烁吧,小行星 一个不被人重视的光学方法可能能帮助寻找其他太阳系的生命 大部分天文望远镜都是运用的焦点星光的反射原理。早在17世纪,艾萨克·牛顿就开创性的利用这个光,让凹透镜产生了一个图像。那些不利用反...

2023-06-05   British English
San Martineros, Cows can Defend Themselves Against Jaguars


The Americas. Protecting Wild Lives. Stand your ground beef. Cows that are good at self-defense are also good for jaguars. Ranchers in Colombia's Meta department can be vengeful folk. From tim...

美洲 保护野生动物 坚守立“场” 能自卫的牛也能抵御美洲豹 哥伦比亚梅塔省的农场主们有时候是群记仇的家伙。美洲豹时常从丛林深处冲出来,飞快地穿过大草原去袭击一群惊慌失措的牛。当这种情况发生的时候,农场主们会追捕这些入侵者并射杀它...

2023-06-03   British English
Inequality in an Elitist Education System of South Korea - Ⅱ


The unfairness is all the more galling because of the fierce competition for jobs. This year there were 36 applicants for every job, up from 32 two years ago. Youth unemployment reached a record...

在激烈的就业竞争中的不公平现象更加令人痛心疾首。今年每份工作有36人申请,超过了两年前的32人。今年年初青年失业率达到了12%。 失意的年轻人们开始发声了。名为“隐藏袋”的组织发起了一场的“拒绝高考”的小型运动,试图说服人们抵制整个精...

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