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2023-07-03   British English
Computing Boot-camp - Ⅰ


United States. Computing boot-camp. Risks and rewards. Should for-profit crash courses get federal funds? Liberal arts degrees and computer savvy rarely sit comfortably together. But computer-pro...

美国 编程训练营 风险与回报 盈利性速成班是否应该得到联邦基金的赞助? 文学学位和精通计算机很难兼得。然而,工作越来越需要掌握计算机编程。正出于此,亚当·恩巴尔和阿维弗朗博于2012年创办了Flatiron学校,Flatiron...

2023-07-01   British English
Britain Fish Wars - Ⅱ


In any case, Britain will find that, unless it is willing to continue sharing access to its waters, it will lose access to valuable foreign markets. Consider Norway, which as a non-EU member has co...

英国将会发现,无论如何它都会失去珍贵的国外市场,除非它愿意分享它的水域。想想挪威,对于自己的水域有控制权的非欧盟成员。为了维护本国渔民可以进入欧盟内部市场的权益,在90%的渔业配额上面它还是要和欧盟以及其他国家合作。 在英国,每年有七...

2023-06-29   British English
Britain Fish Wars - Ⅰ


Britain. Fish Wars: Have your fish cake and eat it. A silly spat about seafood shows the sort of compromises that Brexit will force. Britain's fishing industry is a tiddler, contributing less tha...

英国 渔业之争:做鱼开吃 一场关于海产品的愚蠢争论暴露了英国脱欧面临的问题。 英国的捕鱼业是非常小众的一方面,对英国GDP的贡献不足0.1%,但是这个岛国对他的舰队有着很深厚的感情。在去年的脱欧公投之中,一群拖网渔船工人的小型舰...

2023-06-27   British English
Skilled Immigration - Six Degrees and Separation - Ⅱ


A further 20% entered through preferences given to other family members. That left just 14% who were sponsored by companies, about the same share who first entered the country as refugees or asylum...


2023-06-25   British English
Skilled Immigration - Six Degrees and Separation - Ⅰ


United States. Skilled Immigration: Six degrees and separation. Immigrants are arriving better educated than ever before. Jose Rommel Umano, who is originally from the Philippines, moved to New Y...

美国 技术移民:六级与分裂 移民受教育水平比以往有所提高 何塞·罗梅尔·乌曼诺来自菲律宾,他去年秋天搬到了纽约。珍妮·贝塔罗娃说道,这种程度在美国是没有过的。他的签证是家庭团聚签证,他的妻子已经在美国生活了一段时间。 这是...

2023-06-23   British English
Measuring Diversity - The London Effect - Ⅱ


The flight to the suburbs is changing inner London too. Lambeth, a south London borough, has long been known as the first home of the capital’s black-Caribbean population: the passengers of the Empire...


2023-06-21   British English
Measuring Diversity - The London Effect - Ⅰ


Britain. Measuring diversity. The London effect. Britain is becoming more like its capital city. Milton Keynes, a new town of 249,000 people some 50 miles from London, is famous among Britons for...

英国 衡量种族多样化 伦敦效应 英国渐渐成为一个大都市 米尔顿·凯恩斯这个新兴小镇,离伦敦只有50米,拥有249,000人口,其美国风格的道路布局,明亮超级摩登的购物商场,用混泥土和玻璃纤维做的不吉利的牛群雕塑,在英国人中...

2023-06-19   British English
Britain's Floods - Ⅱ


The extra cash now promised must be spent on repairing damaged defences, not investing in new ones. It was a failure characteristic of a government that has too often sacrificed long-term spending ...

现今政府许诺增加的预算势必会用于修复损毁防御设施,而无法投资新建。政府常常会牺牲掉用于基础设施的长期预算,弥补短期节省开支造成的经济状况,这是政府失职的表现之一。 对于英国国内的洪灾,政府最初的反应同样令人不敢恭维。卡梅伦暗示称由于此...

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