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2023-08-04   British English
Indonesia's Imams are Going Their Bit for the Environment - Ⅱ


The Indonesian Ulema Council (mui), the top body of religious scholars, is also involved. Over the past decade it has issued a series of fatwas, or non-binding legal opinions, to promote green caus...

宗教学者的最高机构“印尼伊斯兰教法学者理事会”(MUI)也参与其中。在过去的十年里,它发布了一系列的“法特瓦”,即不具约束力的法律意见,以推动印尼的绿色发展。 2011年,MUI宣布根据伊斯兰法律禁止破坏环境的采矿作业。三年后,它宣布...

2023-08-02   British English
Indonesia's Imams are Going Their Bit for the Environment - Ⅰ


Indonesia's imams are doing their bit for the environment. Jakarta is constantly under aquatic assault, from above and below. Last month three pupils died when their school collapsed amid a down...

印度尼西亚的伊玛目正在为环境做出自己的贡献。雅加达不断受到暴雨和洪水的冲击。上个月,雅加达的一所学校在倾盆大雨中倒塌,导致三名学生死亡。2020年,雅加达发生了一场十多年来最严重的洪水,导致数十人死亡,近40万人流离失所。 印尼首都雅...

2023-07-31   British English
Roadkill is Now on the Menu in Wyoming


United States. What's for dinner? Street food. Roadkill is now on the menu in Wyoming. A New Delicacy is available in Wyoming. It is fresh and cheap—but probably a little gamey. Last month i...

美国 晚餐吃什么 路边餐 路毙动物现在已经上了怀俄明州的菜单 一种新的美味开始在怀俄明州出现。 它新鲜又便宜,但可能有点野味。上个月,怀俄明州人收集意外撞死的或偶然撞死的动物已合法化了。并非所有的动物都是猎物。灰熊、一些...

2023-07-29   British English
Spain's High-speed Network Reaches Far-off Galicia


Europe. The train in Spain. To the end of the earth. Spain's high-speed network reaches far-off Galicia. For Centuries the main way to Galicia, Spain's north-western corner, was on foot, on the ...

欧洲 西班牙的火车 直到世界的尽头 西班牙的高速铁路网络延伸到了遥远的加利西亚 几个世纪以来,前往西班牙西北角加利西亚的主要方式是徒步,这是朝圣者前往圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉的路线。十年或二十年前,糟糕的路况意味着,从马德里开车过去...

2023-07-27   British English
Park Permits are not Necessarily Helping


United States. Park permits. Firefall and footfall. Many parks are overcrowded. Permits are not necessarily helping. Yosemite National Park is almost always brimming with visitors. For two w...

美国 公园许可证 火瀑和脚步 许多公园人满为患 许可证并没有什么用 优胜美地国家公园几乎总是挤满了游客。然而,在每年2月的两个星期里,人数暴增。夕阳与马尾瀑布排成一线只在每天的几分钟里出现,阳光照亮瀑布,使其看起来像熔岩。“火瀑...

2023-07-25   British English
People Living in Michigan don't Drink the Tap Water - Ⅱ


Things moved quickly. Michigan's governor, Gretchen Whitmer, has secured more than half of the $30m needed to replace all Benton's lead lines. And she has called on the state legislature to alloca...

事情进展很快。密歇根州州长格雷琴·惠特默已经获得了更换本顿所有水管所需3000万美元资金的一半以上。她还呼吁州立法机关从3月份通过的刺激计划中拨款1140万美元。但其他资金短缺的城镇必须争夺有限的资金。 即使儿童体内的铅含量很低,也会...

2023-07-23   British English
People Living in Michigan don't Drink the Tap Water - Ⅰ


United States. Tainted water. Message in a bottle. Help is on its way for Benton Harbor's lead-pipe problem, and America's. People Living in Benton Harbor, Michigan, don't drink the tap water. ...

美国 污染水 瓶中信 本顿港的铅管问题及整个美国的铅管问题正在得到解决 住在密歇根州本顿港的人们不喝自来水。许多人开车去附近的杂货店买瓶装水。但与她的邻居不同的是,丽莎·威廉姆斯没有汽车,所以她使用从水龙头中流出的水,尽管社区的水自...

2023-07-21   British English
Affordable Child Care Would Help Some Mothers into Paid Work - Ⅱ


Despite nursery costs that are around 60% higher than in the OECD, a club of mostly rich countries, employment rates for British mothers with children under 15 are in the middle of the pack. This s...


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